Subject Re: [IBO] Re: ISAPI : IBOQuery1 with input parameter caused invalid variant operations
Author Jason Wharton
Are there any developments with this issue? I am still puzzled by it and not
sure what more I can do with the information I currently have. Shall we take
this issue up in a private dialog and when we resolve it report back to the
list what it was?

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: <terry@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 6:36 PM
Subject: [IBO] Re: ISAPI : IBOQuery1 with input parameter caused invalid
variant operations

> hi Daniel,
> 10s for the help, I've tried it b4, "invalid variant operation"
> still happen on the 2nd attempt, this is when I observed when
> compiled as ISAPI module , it run well in CGI program.
> let take a look at my scenario, I start with URL:
> http://test/scripts/ibdbtest.dll?class=graphic&action=show
> 1. initial load of the page, no problem , data display beautifully
> 2. Click refresh button on IE for the same URL, the "invalid variant
> operation" exception message display.
> 3. Any subsequent refresh button will repeat the same as step 2
> prob. only exists in ISAPI.
> would be grateful if any1 uses IBOQuery1 with parameter in ISAPI can
> contribute & share their experience here.
> regards
> --- In, Daniel Rail <drail@n...> wrote:
> > Try adding Prepare just before ParamByName. You might need to
> exclusively
> > prepare the query for the parameter to be properly recognized.
> >
> > HTH.
> >
> > Daniel Rail
> > Senior System Engineer
> > ACCRA Group Inc. (
> > ACCRA Med Software Inc. (
> >
> > At 2000-11-06 05:04, you wrote:
> > >I encounter "invalid variant operation" when I code the query with
> > >input parameter, initial load is ok but subsequent refresh of the
> > >page will display error message, see my codes below
> > >
> > >with IBOQuery1 do
> > >begin
> > > Close;
> > > with SQL do
> > > begin
> > > Clear;
> > > end;
> > > ParamByName('CATEGORYID').AsInteger := fCategoryID;
> > > Open;
> > >end;
> > >
> > >if replace by IB_Query1, then everythings work fine, but I need
> > >IBOQuery1, I works around by building the SQL string dynamically
> > >without the use of ParamByName.
> > >
> > >Did anyone face the same prob. ?
> > >Is this a bug in IBOQuery1 for ISAPI application ?
> > >any better alternative ?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >eGroups Sponsor