Subject Re :RE: [IB-Conversions] One more query on Interbase 5.6 to Firebird conversion 1.5.4
Author MuraliM
Hi,Thanks for the solution.We used the below command in Firebird version isql and it worked fine,\"isql -x -o c:\\medoutput.txt -user SYSDBA -password masterkey localhost:C:\\test_firebird.gdb\".But the same command used with Interbase version 5.6.4\'s isql throws an error saying, \"Your user name and password in not set.Ask your system administrator to set an Interbase login\".Is it adviceable to use \'SET ISC_USER\' and \'SET ISC_PASSWORD\' for this Interbase problem in security perspective? Is there any other way to overcome this?Please clarify.

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