Subject Re: [IB-Conversions] Re: Old IB v5.6 running on Novell Netware to Firebird
Author Helen Borrie
At 04:48 PM 8/02/2005 +0000, you wrote:

>So to convert the IB 5.6 to FB 1.5 I use the FB 1.03 as a bridge
>1. Get FB 1.03 and install it on my Win2000 pro client.
>2. Back up the IB 5.6 DB using tools on Win98 client
>3. Restore the backup via 1.03 and back it up again
>4. Then restore it under 1.5
>Is this correct? or is there a simpler way?

This message seems lost in antiquity. The latest release version of
Firebird is 1.5.2 (since December 25 last year).

I'm trying to recall why you (or I) thought there needed to be a "bridge"
between IB 5.6 and Fb 1.5. Your transportable gbak should be fully
restorable to Firebird 1.5 using 1.5's gbak.

>Also I have a MSSQL Server 2000 Database I want to convert
>(Just Tables and Views) to FB 1.5 is there a recommended method?

Check out the tools at

>Just Installed FB 1.5 under Novell SuSe 9.0 linux server (eval)
>edition connectig via TCP/IP from .NET application - no problem
>once the connection string/user rights were sorted.

There's a list for the firebird net provider, of course...