Subject RE: [IB-Conversions] Digest Number 126
Author Jason Chapman

Just picked this up on the tail of the digest, thought I would add my
2c. I would definitely re-evaluate the indices you have for IB over

I've found that pdox does not merge indices, therefore you tend to end
up with a lot of indices that have the same first two or three fields,
this does IB no favour.

Generally I would just get the Pk and FK's in there, then add indices
based on poor performance.


Jason Chapman
JAC2 Consultancy

Training - Development - Consultancy
Delphi, InterBase, Firebird, OOAD, Development lifecycle assistance,
Troubleshooting projects, QA.....
www: When I get round to it....
Mob: (+44) 07966 211 959 (preferred)
Tel: (+44) 01928 751088

> --- In IB-Conversions@y..., "bgclarke16" <bgclarke16@y...> wrote:
> > I have a Paradox app that has 56 tables which I want to convert to
> > Firebird.
> >
> > Are there any tools available that can help automate this process?
> >
> > I tried the db_to_IB application from the files area. It worked
> well
> > for the table strucutre, except that it didn't bring the indexes
> > over :(
> >
> > I need a tool that can transfer the structure and all indexes.
> >
> > I've searched google and didn't come up with anything concrete.
> >
> > Thanks...Brad