Subject RE: [IB-Conversions] MS create default => IB domain.
Author Ann Harrison
>-------------------------- eGroups Sponsor -------------------------~-~>
>I had said
> > I also believe that the V6 implementation is seriously flawed
> > > >and wouldn't use it.

At 10:17 PM 9/14/2000 -0400, Claudio Valderrama C. wrote:

>Ouch x 6.02 x 10E23
>Can you explain what's the bug, please? Or at least if there's some hidden
>link to know something about it. As I understand, the fix doesn't exist yet
>as a binary release. Maybe it was discovered in firebird.

The problems occur when a default value is changed or added,
something that shouldn't happen (often) in a production system.
Stored procedures don't pick up the new default until they
are recompiled (i.e. until the database is disconnected and
