Subject Re: [IB-Conversions] New SQL and Access To InterBase Wizard
Author Marcelo Lopez Ruiz
Choke on 'em :-)

OK, I'll add this to 'pending changes'. I guess trimming will have to do.
However, the solution is not very nice, considering that sometimes adding
more words is required to make the migration possible (e.g.: a column can be
named 'order' in MS SQL, and it gets migrated as orderCol by the wizard).

Anyway, the wizard will generate all the scripts and allow you to save them
to a .sql file, so you can always modify it by hand later on.


----- Original Message -----
From: Claudio Valderrama C. <cvalde@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 1:31 AM
Subject: RE: [IB-Conversions] New SQL and Access To InterBase Wizard

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: marcelo.lopezruiz@...
> > [mailto:marcelo.lopezruiz@...]
> > Sent: Lunes 4 de Septiembre de 2000 16:57
> >
> > OK, this is another installment of the MS SQL To InterBase wizard. It
> > has now been joined with the Access To InterBase wizard - they are
> > one and the same.
> Marcelo:
> One question and please take into account that I still don't have a
> to migrate, so I haven't tried your program:
> What do you do with long object names, IE, names that exceed 31 chars, the
> maximum for IB?
> C.
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