Subject Re: [IB-Conversions] Migration to IB - WARNING
Author Marcelo Lopez Ruiz
WARNING: Claudio has reported that MS SQL IDENTITY fields are migrated as
INTEGER fields. This means they have 2^32 bits. You *can* have a larger
field when using dialect 3 using numeric(18,0).

Right now, and until next week, the following are the only two ways to
accomplish this:

1. Modify the scripts generated by hand (you get a step to do this).
2. Modify the sql2gdb code - and send it to me! :-) - that's one of the
advantages of open source.

About the conversion: while IB has less built-in functions, there are a
dozen UDF (user-defined functions) libraries which are provided free of
charge and with source. Most are supported on the Windows platform, but
abundant documentation explaining how to roll your own is provided.

If you want more information about Interbase, I suggest browsing the site. Specifically, the article, by Claudio Valderrama,
details differences in data types and other migration issues.

On another topic: I've been trying to reproduce an bug which appears to pop
up during the script generation step. A message dialog with an "EOF or BOF"
exception is displayed. The source is an MS SQL 7 database, and the table
names *are* available (they can be selected on the table filter). The error
occurs before pumping data. Has anyone experienced this?

Marcelo Lopez Ruiz

----- Original Message -----
From: Helen Borrie <helebor@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [IB-Conversions] MIGRATION TO INTERBASE

At 10:01 AM 07-12-00 +1100, you wrote:
>We as a Project are in the process of moving from existing MS SQL Server
>6.5 on Windows NT to Interbase on lynux due to non existence of support
>of SQL Server on non windows platform...and we are very much naive on
>the biggest concern is in terms of:-
>(1)existing data migration