Subject Paradigm inversion - write web applications in SQL instead of JavaScript or other.
SQL-MVC, alpha release, request for comments.

Hi all, I have released a new concept in web application frameworks, using firebird and node.js,
and would appreciate any comments, especially on the concepts behind it.

In brief:

Paradigm inversion - write web applications in SQL instead of JavaScript/or other.

How does SQL-MVC work?

The compiler takes your application code which is little more than a few SQL statements, directives and properties and produces:
    All the database code as a single stored procedure, to be run to produce JSON output.
    a Mustache Template(Hogan) containing all the client side code to be filled with the JSON. When the two are combined in the browser !!voila!!.
The server node.js does very little other than pass JSON between the server and client.
All the business logic remains in the database server.
You have full control of the client side look, feel and behavior, the default framework and theme is just to give you a quicc start.

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