Subject Firebird Language Reference - Firebird needs your help
Author Alexey Kovyazin
Hi All,

The Firebird Project is pleased to announce that the Firebird 2.5
Language Reference is now available in Russian. It can be downloaded via
the Firebird SQL documentation page

Why is it only available in Russian? Moscow Exchange (, one
of the biggest Firebird users in the world, and IBSurgeon
( sponsored the documentation development in their native
language as well as using the Russian speaking Firebird core developers
to oversee the work and ensure its quality.

The next step is to extend this documentation to cover Firebird 3.0's
new features, on which work is already taking place. However this work
is also in Russian.

In order to translate the Firebird Language Reference into English, the
Firebird Documentation Project needs additional funds.

It needs approximately $7000 US Dollars to translate almost 500 pages of
Firebird documentation into English using a professional translation
service, to ensure the quality of translation.

To get the Firebird 2.5 and 3.0 Language Reference in English in the
first quarter of 2015, please help the Firebird Project now with a
donation via PayPal (please use button Fund Docs):

All money donated will be used translate the Firebird documentation and,
if the $7000.00 amount is exceeded, the money will then be used for
further development of other sections of the documentation e.g. the
"Firebird Operations Guide" etc.

Alexey Kovyazin