Subject [ANN] fbclient 0.5.0
Author Cosmin Apreutesei
Good news everyone,

Firebird's Lua binding v0.5.0 is out!

Quick changelog:
* improved automated testing suite:
* now testing against all 2.0-2.5 firebird and fbembed releases
to date on win32 and linux32 (linux64 coming with the next version of
* server binary bundles including start/stop scripts are now
available for download making it trivial to setup a testing
* improved st:run()/st:fetch() handling based on statement type
* added support for SQL_NULL type (fb 2.5+)
* added at:sqlcode(), at:sqlstate(), at:sqlerrors(), at:errors(),
* added at:start_transaction()
* added st:row()
* bug fixing, refactoring and documentation updates

Rockspeck and zip package here:

The next version will include a reflection module for metadata export
and schema comparison and synchronization between two databases.

Feedback welcome!

PS: Could someone please update the rockspec in the LR repo, thanks!