Subject Re: [firebird-tools] How to extract blob content to file, using Fsql?
Author Jiri Cincura
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 17:50, RobertoA <amorosik@...> wrote:
> Is not clear what mean  BLOBDUMP <blobid> <file> [FILTER <num1> <num2>]
> The table name not appear in instruction
> For example, if i wanna extract blob data to file C:\TEST1.JPG  from db C:\PEPPE.FDB with userid SYSDBA and password masterkey, the table name is DOCUMENTI, and field name for blob is CONTENUTO_FILE, the key field name is ID_DOCUMENTI and i wanna take the row where  ID_DOCUMENTI=100, what is the right instruction?
> Very thank for your precious help

Start (w)fsql, run "select CONTENUTO_FILE from DOCUMENTI where
ID_DOCUMENTI=100", this will show you the blobid (if you didn't
changed the settings). Write it down and use blobdump to write it to

Jiri {x2} Cincura (CTO |