Subject Re: [firebird-tools] How to extract blob content to file, using Fsql?
Author RobertoA
> Here the example for insert file contents into blob field
> /* Inserting contents of file(s) into blob/varchar fields. */
> INSERT INTO tab(id, pict, thumb) VALUES (1, @'c:\pict.jpg',
> @'c:\smallpict.jpg
> The question is: - using Fsql, how we can extract data from blob field and
> create a file on Win Xp ntfs?

You can use:
BLOBDUMP <blobid> <file> [FILTER <num1> <num2>]


Is not clear what mean BLOBDUMP <blobid> <file> [FILTER <num1> <num2>]
The table name not appear in instruction
For example, if i wanna extract blob data to file C:\TEST1.JPG from db C:\PEPPE.FDB with userid SYSDBA and password masterkey, the table name is DOCUMENTI, and field name for blob is CONTENUTO_FILE, the key field name is ID_DOCUMENTI and i wanna take the row where ID_DOCUMENTI=100, what is the right instruction?
Very thank for your precious help

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