Subject [ANN] IBExpert New Version 2007.05.03 ready for Download
Author HKlemt
IBExpert New Version 2007.05.03 ready for Download

Today we uploaded a new Version 2007.05.03
of IBExpert on

What is new?

1. Support of new keywords of FB 2.1
2. Copy Database Object feature implemented.
3. Database Designer Colors
4. Index Editor
5. IBEBlock
6. A lot of minor bugfixes and small improvements...
7. German Firebird Training Program
8. International On Site Performance Suport

and much more ...

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for details.

IBExpert 2007.05.03

1. Support of new keywords of FB 2.1

2. Copy Database Object feature implemented.
This feature is available from Main Menu | Tools
and also from the Database Explorer context menu.

Copy Database Object feature is based on IBEBlock
functionality and therefore is fully customizable.

3. Database Designer:

* Custom Colors are saved and restored in/from a grc-file now.

4. Index Editor:

* Added possibility to define index description.

5. IBEBlock:

* New concatenating assignment operator - '.=' - appends the
argument on the right side to the argument
on the left side.
Example: sVal = 'abc';
sVal .= 'def' Now sVal is equal to 'abcdef';

* ENUM datatype implemented.
Mostly this datatype is useful for input parameters when it is
necessary to
allow users to select a value from a given set of values.
execute ibeblock (MonthName enum ('January', 'February', 'March',
'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
'August', 'September', 'October',
'November', 'December') default = 0)

For each input parameter of type ENUM IBExpert will create a
combobox with
corresponding set of items.
See Copy Database Object blocks to learn how this works.
* ibec_preg_match function.

function ibec_preg_match(Pattern : string; Subject : string [;
Matches : array of variant) : boolean;
ibec_preg_macth function searches Subject for a match to the
regular expression given in Pattern.
Returns TRUE if a match for Pattern was found in the Subject
string, or FALSE if not match was found or an error occurred.
If Matches is provided, then it is filled with the results of search.

Following example returns list of all e-mail addresses used in a
text file:

execute ibeblock returns (
Email varchar(200))
s = ibec_LoadFromFile('C:\SomeData.txt');
sPattern = '([_a-zA-Z\d\-\.]+@[_a-zA-Z\d\-]+(\.[_a-zA-Z\d\-]+)+)';
ibec_preg_match(sPattern, s, aEmails);
foreach (aEmails as Email skip nulls) do
Learn more about syntax of regular expressions available in

* ibec_preg_replace function.
function ibec_preg_replace(Pattern : string; Replacement : string;
Subject : string) : string;
ibec_preg_replace function searches Subject for matches to
Pattern and replaces them with Replacement. If matches are
found, the new Subject will be returned, otherwise Subject will be
returned unchanged.
Following example removes all IB comments (/*...*/) from a text:
execute ibeblock
s = ibec_LoadFromFile('C:\SomeScript.sql');
sPattern = '/\*/*([^/]*\*+)+/';
s = ibec_preg_replace(sPattern, '', s);
ibec_SaveToFile('C:\ScriptNoComments.sql', s, __stfOverwrite);

Learn more about syntax of regular expressions available in IBExpert:

* FOREACH statement now has new option - SKIP NULLS

FOREACH (var1 AS var2 [KEY | INDEX var3] [SKIP NULLS]) DO
FOREACH statement with SKIP NULLS option is equal to following
FOREACH statement without SKIP NULLS option:

FOREACH (var1 AS var2 [KEY | INDEX var3]) DO
<statements> END

* ibec_GetUsers function implemented.
This function retrieves list of users from the server using the
Services Manager.


function ibec_GetUsers(ConnectOptions : string; UserNames :
variant [; FullData : variant]) : variant;

ibec_GetUsers returns NULL if no error occured, otherwise it
returns an error message.
UserNames Following example returns a list of users
registered on the server:

execute ibeblock
returns (UserName varchar(100),
FirstName varchar(100),
MiddleName varchar(100),
LastName varchar(100))
res = ibec_GetUsers('Server=localhost/3065; User=SYSDBA;
UserNames, FullData);
foreach (UserNames as UserName key UserIdx) do
s = FullData[UserIdx];
ini = ibec_ini_Open('');
ibec_ini_SetStrings(ini, s);

FirstName = ibec_ini_ReadString(ini, 'UserData',
'FirstName', '');
MiddleName = ibec_ini_ReadString(ini, 'UserData',
'MiddleName', '');
LastName = ibec_ini_ReadString(ini, 'UserData', 'LastName', '');

6. A lot of minor bugfixes and small improvements...

7. German Firebird Training Program
*German Firebird Training Program *
*11-20 June 2007 *
* *
*The next German-language Firebird Training courses are being*
*held in Wardenburg, North Germany. Course details can be *
*found on *

*Firebird Schulungsprogramm *
*11.-20. Juni 2007 *
* *
*Das nächste deutschsprachige Firebird Training findet im *
*Juni in Wardenburg, Norddeutschland statt. Details dazu *
*Sie unter *
*Themen: *
*1. Firebird: Grundlagen fur Entwickler *
*2. Firebird: Grundlagen fur Datenbankadministratoren *
*3. Firebird: Leistungssteigerung und Optimierung *
*4. Datenbankportierung von BDE, IB, Paradox, dBase und MS *
* Access auf Firebird *
*5. Datenbankauswertungen mit Firebird und Fastreport *
*6. Dynamische Webanwendungen mit Firebird und PHP *

8. International On Site Performance Suport

Do you have some tasks which need a review by database
performance experts?

-Do you really know that there are no blocking transactions?
-Is the garbagecollector really successful?
-Is the database design as good as it can be?
-Will additional indices increase or decrease performance?
-Are changes on existing indices needed?
-Do the Stored Procedures/Triggers/Views use the indices?
-Which are the bottleneck sql statements in your application?
-How to optimize SQL statements for specific jobs?

All this questions can be answered by the IBExpert Team.

One/Two day on site Performance Workshop:

A very experienced IBExpert employee will review your system
in your production environment and improve your options and
environment. A code review might also give some hints to
your development team. This workshop will take between one
and two days. Languages english or german.

Pricing with individual traveling costs can be asked from

This service is worldwide avilable!

The IBExpert Team

The most Expert for InterBase and Firebird ---
HK Software - Oldenburger Str 233 - 26203 Wardenburg - Germany
Phone/Fax +49 700 IBEXPERT (42397378)

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