Subject IBExpert New Version 2006.06.05 ready for Download
Author HKlemt
IBExpert New Version 2006.06.05 ready for Download

Today we uploaded a new Version 2006.06.05
of IBExpert on

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If you update right is already expired,
you can extend it for the next two years
with buying the Extension license(s) in
our shop. See details on our Web Site or just ask
register@... for details.

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IBExpert 2006.06.05

1. Fixed problem with constantly redrawing windows when
Autohide DB Explorer option is enabled.

2. Table Editor:

* Master/Detail View added. This allows you to see data of tables that
reference (or referenced by) current table by a foreign key.

3. Drag-n-drop from the DB Explorer:

* Fixed problem with sometimes incorrect identifiers quoting.

* Added possibility to insert CR/LF between items.

4. SP/Trigger Debugger:

* Added possibility to define breakpoints using comments.
To define a breakpoint just write a special comment line




before a statement where the debug process must be paused.

5. Version History:

* A special browser was implemented for IBE$VERSION_HISTORY table.
There is an additional tab - Version Browser - in table editor when

6. Data Logging Templates:

* Fixed problem with incorrect handling of <FOR_EACH_???> tags
when more than one tag of the same name is used.

7. Code Editors, Code Insight:

* Fixed problem with incorrect display of parameters when parameters
list contains comments.

8. Extract Metadata:

* Added possibility to save current settings as EXECUTE IBEBLOCK
IBExpert creates a valid IBEBlock with ibec_ExtractMetadata function
which may be used later in scripts.

9. IBEBlock:

* Fixed problem with incorrect handling of TRY...EXCEPT
statement while executing of DELETE.

* Following functions added to handle work with regular expressions:

- function ibec_re_Create(Expression : string) : variant;
- function ibec_re_Free(RegExp : variant) : variant;
- function ibec_re_Exec(RegExp : variant; InputString : string) :
- function ibec_re_ExecNext(RegExp : variant) : boolean;
- function ibec_re_Match(RegExp : variant; Index : integer) : string;
- function ibec_re_SetExpression(RegExp : variant; Expression :
string) : boolean;
- function ibec_re_Replace(RegExp : variant; InputStr : string;
ReplaceStr : string) : string;

Example of usage:

-- This IBEBlock retrieves all valid e-mail addresses from
-- input text (any_text)

execute ibeblock (any_text varchar(10000))
returns (email varchar(100))
re =
Res = ibec_re_Exec(re, any_text);
while (Res) do
email = ibec_re_Match(re, 0);
Res = ibec_re_ExecNext(re);

10. UDF Editor / Extract Metadata:

* Added support for NULL clause (Firebird 2.0)

11. Create SUID procedures / Data Logging Triggers / SP Editor /
Trigger Editor:

* Procedure/Triggers texts/headers will be formatted accordingly
to the Code Insight
settings now.

12. IBEScript updated accordingly.

13. A lot of minor bugfixes and small improvements...

14. Distribution of IBExpert Modules

* To be allowed to distribute any of the
IBExpert Modules (ibexpert.exe, ibescript.exe,
ibescript.dll) together with your application,
you need:
-IBExpert Site License, if the distribution is
located only on computers in your own company
-IBExpert VAR License, if the distribution is
located on any computer outside your company

If you are already IBExpert customer, you can
upgrade to Site or VAR License and directly
buy the 24 month Extension Product.

See Purchase Area for Details

Some functions of the new IBExpert Modules do
not work on Non licensed Computers, so you can
only use them, where your IBExpert License is

Customers with Site License are allowed to
make them work on every computer in their
company just by copying the License file to
the path, where the module (such as
ibescript.exe) should run.

VAR License Customers may also integrate
these modules and the License file in their
Software installation.


A lot of customers asked us regarding a cheaper possibility to
use our ibeblock technology for their own software.

The IBExpert VAR License gives a distribution license for all
modules including the IBExpert IDE. Some smaller software companies
just asked for a way to integrate our technology for a cheaper

Because we always respect our customers wishes, we created 2 new

1. IBEScript EXE Distribution License
2. IBEScript DLL Distribution License

The IBEScript Distribution License gives you the unlimited right
to integrate IBEScript.exe or IBEScript.dll in your application.
you can use it for executing ibeblock scripts that connect to
different databases at the same time, integrate any odbc connection
as source or destination, simple data import and export, metadata
comparison and much more.

More examples can be found here

For using the distribution license, no keys are needed. You do
not even need ibexpert full version, but the integrated debugger
will help you to develop working scripts.

The distribution license contains only the file ibescript.exe or
ibescript.dll and the unlimited right to distribute it together
with your software.


1. What is IBEScript EXE?

IBEScript.exe can be used to execute any valid IBExpert script in
batchfiles. For example a scheduled import or export job can be
started without the need of any user input.

IBEScript.exe can also be used to encrypt script files, so that
they are unreadable for the user, but executable together with

2. What is IBEScript DLL?

When you want to integrate IBExperts scripts in your own
you can use IBEScript.dll. A simple example for Delphi can be found
in IBExperts IBEScriptDll subdirectory. It can also be used from all
other programming languages that can handle DLL calls.

3. What is IBEBLOCK?

It is a set of DDL, DML and other statements that are executed on
the server and on the client side, and which include some specific
constructions applicable only in IBExpert or IBEScript (excluding
the free versions of these products), independent of the database
server version.

With EXECUTE IBEBLOCK you will be able to:

* Work with different connections within the single IBEBLOCK at
the same time.
* Move (copy) data from one database to another.
* Join tables from different databases.
* Compare data from different databases and synchronize them.
* Populate a table with test data using random values or values
from other tables or even from other databases or ODBC
* ... and much more.

The syntax of IBEBLOCK is similar to that of stored procedures but
there are many important extensions. For example:

* You can use EXECUTE STATEMENT with any server, including
InterBase 5.x, 6.x, 7.x.
* You can use one-dimensional arrays (lists) of untyped
and access them by index.
* It isn't necessary to declare variables before using them.
* You can use data sets (temporary memory tables) to store
* ... and much more.

4. Simple ibeblock example to copy data between two databases
incl blobs

execute ibeblock
create connection src dbname 'localhost:c:\src.fdb'
password 'repl' user 'REPL' clientlib 'fbclient.dll';

create connection dest dbname 'localhost:c:\dest.fdb'
password 'repl' user 'REPL' clientlib 'fbclient.dll';

use src;
for select id, usr, ts, sql, idx, dat
from ibe$log
into :id, :usr, :ts, :sql, :idx, :dat
use dest;
insert into ibe$log(id, usr, ts, sql, idx, dat)
values (:id, :usr, :ts, :sql, :idx, :dat);

use dest;
close connection src;
close connection dest;

You can execute single IBEBLOCKs via the SQL Editor. You can
debug them
in the SQL Editor too. They are debugged in the same way as stored
procedures and triggers. Also you can include IBEBLOCKs into your
scripts and execute these scripts as usual - using the Script
Executive or IBEScript.exe.

To buy our distribution license products visit our shop at
and open the product group "distribution license"

15. NEW: IBExpert Educational Full Version for only 50 Euro (excl. VAT)

For students and teachers at schools or universities, we offer the
free IBExpert Educational Version with the 50MB database limit
since a long time. A lot of people already told us that they are
very happy with using IBExpert and Firebird in their studies.

If they want to use it for larger databases also, they can now
get the IBExpert 1 License for Educational Purposes Full License
for a special price.

This product is not only available for students and teachers at
commercial schools or universities.

We require the following information for your product registration

* User name
* User e-mail address
* Computer name of the computer, where IBExpert is to be installed.
* Copy of the valid school students identity card
Copy of the valid university students identity card
Official order from the School/University

We need the copies as scanned email attachments to
register@... or fax to +4970042397378


To buy IBExpert Educational Full Version visit our shop at
and open the product group "software for educational purposes"

The price is 50 Euro. In Germany and Europe we have to charge you
additional 8 Euro VAT. When you want to pay by bank transfer, be
sure that all transfer fees are paid from the customer, otherwise
we can not deliver the product before we receive all the money.
We recommend to use paypal.

16. Lieftime Licenses on ebay

The offer was an official offer from us, but it was a Onetime Event.
There is no plan to offer this again.
The Auction Winner came from Canada, Finnland and Austria.

The IBExpert Team

The most Expert for InterBase and Firebird ---
HK Software - Gerhard Stalling Strasse 47a - 26135 Oldenburg - Germany
Phone/Fax +49 700 IBEXPERT (42397378)
Training and Support for Delphi, InterBase, Firebird, AS/400