Subject ANN: IBExpert New Version 2006.10.14 ready for Download
Author HKlemt
IBExpert New Version 2006.10.14 ready for Download

Today we uploaded a new Version 2006.10.14
of IBExpert on

What´s new?
-Query Manager
-BEGIN/END and CASE/END visual highligting
-Interbase 2007 Support
-Debugger Support for CROSS JOIN
-IBExpertWebForms Server Script Version now available
-IBExpertWebForms vmware Server demo now available
-New IBExpert Book
-Firebird Conference 2006
-Das Highlight der IBExpert Roadshow 2006: IBExpertWebForms
Termine 19.10. in Berlin und 20.10. in Hamburg

and much more ...

If you are registered customer and cannot access the
customer area, please check the update end date from
your registration form.

If you update right is already expired,you can extend
it for the next two years with buying the Extension
license(s) in our shop. See details on our Web Site or just ask register@...
for details.

IBExpert 2006.10.14

1. Table Editor, Master/Detail View:

* Fixed problem that happened when foreign fields were of type

2. SQL Editor:

* Query Bar was completely redesigned

* Added possibility to manage (move, remove, rename) most recently
queries. Use corresponding toolbar button to call Query Manager.

* Added possibility to log of EXECUTE BLOCK statements

* Added possibility to get a list of query columns just after

3. Code Editors:

* Highlighting of paired BEGIN/END, CASE/END implemented

* Visual representation of paired BEGIN/END, CASE/END and round
on a code editor gutter implemented.

4. SQL Assistant:

* For a database node SQL Assistant displays full path to a client
that is used while working with a database

* For an active database node SQL Assistant displays a version number
the client library

5. Script Executive, IBEScript:

* Added support for BATCH BEGIN/BATCH EXECUTE statements (InterBase
If the server doesn't support this feature all statements between
BATCH BEGIN and BATCH EXECUTE will be executed in the regular way.

6. IBEBlock:

* Fixed problem wit repeated executing of EXECUTE IBEBLOCK <var>
when value of <var> was changed

* ibec_GetConnectionProp function: Added possibility to get
serverversion of
active connection. Example:

SrvVerStr = ibec_GetConnectionProp(Conn, 'ServerVersion');

* ibec_CopyData: fixed problem that happens when the source recordset
contains computed fields

* Fixed some problems with reraising exceptions occured when

* ibec_GetCurrentDir function implemented. This function returns the
qualified name of the current directory. Example:

CurrDir = ibec_GetCurrentDir();

7. Extract Metadata:

* Changed formatting of TIME values to HH:MM:SS.zzz

* There was a problem with quoting identifiers whose names start with
a numeral (0...9). It's fixed.

* Fixed problem with missing object privileges in some cases.

8. SP/Trigger Debugger

* Added support for CROSS JOIN (Firebird 2)

* Fixed problem with "variable is never used" warning when variable
is used
in a cursor only

* Fixed problem with default values of variables when value is NULL.

* The debugger now displays object name (if possible) in the Windows

* Fixed problem with value of ROWS_COUNT variable after FETCH
<cursor_name> statement

9. Database Designer:

* Fixed problem with sorting of procedure nodes in the Model Tree

10. Database Statistics:

* Fixed problem with long (> 31 chars) index names (IB 7.x)

11. Database Comparer:

* When saving settings into an INI-file IBExpert saves Server Version

12. Table Data Comparer

* Fixed problem with formatting of timestamp values when comparing
in different sql dialects

13. A lot of minor bugfixes and small improvements...

14. Distribution of IBExpert Modules

* To be allowed to distribute any of the
IBExpert Modules (ibexpert.exe, ibescript.exe,
ibescript.dll) together with your application,
you need:
-IBExpert Site License, if the distribution is
located only on computers in your own company
-IBExpert VAR License, if the distribution is
located on any computer outside your company

If you are already IBExpert customer, you can
upgrade to Site or VAR License and directly
buy the 24 month Extension Product.

See Purchase Area for Details

Some functions of the new IBExpert Modules do
not work on Non licensed Computers, so you can
only use them, where your IBExpert License is

Customers with Site License are allowed to
make them work on every computer in their
company just by copying the License file to
the path, where the module (such as
ibescript.exe) should run.

VAR License Customers may also integrate
these modules and the License file in their
Software installation.


A lot of customers asked us regarding a cheaper possibility to
use our ibeblock technology for their own software.

The IBExpert VAR License gives a distribution license for all
modules including the IBExpert IDE. Some smaller software
just asked for a way to integrate our technology for a cheaper

Because we always respect our customers wishes, we created 2 new

1. IBEScript EXE Distribution License
2. IBEScript DLL Distribution License

The IBEScript Distribution License gives you the unlimited right
to integrate IBEScript.exe or IBEScript.dll in your application.
you can use it for executing ibeblock scripts that connect to
different databases at the same time, integrate any odbc
as source or destination, simple data import and export, metadata
comparison and much more.

More examples can be found here

For using the distribution license, no keys are needed. You do
not even need ibexpert full version, but the integrated debugger
will help you to develop working scripts.

The distribution license contains only the file ibescript.exe or
ibescript.dll and the unlimited right to distribute it together
with your software.


1. What is IBEScript EXE?

IBEScript.exe can be used to execute any valid IBExpert script in
batchfiles. For example a scheduled import or export job can be
started without the need of any user input.

IBEScript.exe can also be used to encrypt script files, so that
they are unreadable for the user, but executable together with

2. What is IBEScript DLL?

When you want to integrate IBExperts scripts in your own
you can use IBEScript.dll. A simple example for Delphi can be
in IBExperts IBEScriptDll subdirectory. It can also be used from
other programming languages that can handle DLL calls.

3. What is IBEBLOCK?

It is a set of DDL, DML and other statements that are executed on
the server and on the client side, and which include some specific
constructions applicable only in IBExpert or IBEScript (excluding
the free versions of these products), independent of the database
server version.

With EXECUTE IBEBLOCK you will be able to:

* Work with different connections within the single IBEBLOCK
the same time.
* Move (copy) data from one database to another.
* Join tables from different databases.
* Compare data from different databases and synchronize them.
* Populate a table with test data using random values or
from other tables or even from other databases or ODBC
* ... and much more.

The syntax of IBEBLOCK is similar to that of stored procedures but
there are many important extensions. For example:

* You can use EXECUTE STATEMENT with any server, including
InterBase 5.x, 6.x, 7.x.
* You can use one-dimensional arrays (lists) of untyped
and access them by index.
* It isn't necessary to declare variables before using them.
* You can use data sets (temporary memory tables) to store
* ... and much more.

4. Simple ibeblock example to copy data between two databases incl

execute ibeblock
create connection src dbname 'localhost:c:\src.fdb'
password 'repl' user 'REPL' clientlib 'fbclient.dll';

create connection dest dbname 'localhost:c:\dest.fdb'
password 'repl' user 'REPL' clientlib 'fbclient.dll';

use src;
for select id, usr, ts, sql, idx, dat
from ibe$log
into :id, :usr, :ts, :sql, :idx, :dat
use dest;
insert into ibe$log(id, usr, ts, sql, idx, dat)
values (:id, :usr, :ts, :sql, :idx, :dat);

use dest;
close connection src;
close connection dest;

You can execute single IBEBLOCKs via the SQL Editor. You can debug
in the SQL Editor too. They are debugged in the same way as stored
procedures and triggers. Also you can include IBEBLOCKs into your
scripts and execute these scripts as usual - using the Script
Executive or IBEScript.exe.

To buy our distribution license products visit our shop at
and open the product group "distribution license"

15. NEW: IBExpert Educational Full Version for only 50 Euro (excl. VAT)

For students and teachers at schools or universities, we offer the
free IBExpert Educational Version with the 50MB database limit
since a long time. A lot of people already told us that they are
very happy with using IBExpert and Firebird in their studies.

If they want to use it for larger databases also, they can now
get the IBExpert 1 License for Educational Purposes Full License
for a special price.

This product is not only available for students and teachers at
commercial schools or universities.

We require the following information for your product registration

* User name
* User e-mail address
* Computer name of the computer, where IBExpert is to be
* Copy of the valid school students identity card
Copy of the valid university students identity card
Official order from the School/University

We need the copies as scanned email attachments to
register@... or fax to +4970042397378


To buy IBExpert Educational Full Version visit our shop at
and open the product group "software for educational purposes"

The price is 50 Euro. In Germany and Europe we have to charge you
additional 8 Euro VAT. When you want to pay by bank transfer, be
sure that all transfer fees are paid from the customer, otherwise
we can not deliver the product before we receive all the money.
We recommend to use paypal.

16. IBExpertWebForms Server Script Version now available

With IBExpertWebforms you can create database-based web applications.
Just place your VCL components in the integrated form designer,
connect them with your tables or queries as a data source using
the integrated object inspector, and create your events as stored
procedures inside your Firebird or InterBase database.

The result is handled by a PHP script, which is used by the Apache
web server on Windows, Linux or any other operating system which
supports Apache, PHP and Firebird or InterBase.

The main advantage: you do not need any know-how regarding Java
script, HTML, Ajax, PHP, etc. to create your database web
application. All operations are done inside your database and
you just need to learn some very simple extensions and rules
based on your existing Firebird and InterBase knowledge.

Prices can be found in our shop on

Interested in testing it on your own server? please contact
register@... with subject "IBExpertWebForm Server Test"

17. IBExpertWebForms vmware Server demo now available

Interested in testing it on your workstation using the free vmware
player and a fully functional Linux Installation? please contact
register@... with subject "IBExpertWebForm VMWare Test"

18. The new IBExpert Book 08 2006 is available now.

Holger Klemt, Debra Miles
Published: Aug 2006
Published by: HK-Software
2 Ring Binder, 1590 pages
English language

Have a look at the table of content and some sample chapters here.

The quality of the preview pdf file is limited due to space reasons.
The full PDF Version, which is also included in the book package,
comes with full PDF quality, full searchable index etc.

About the IBExpert Book

If you're looking for a way to make life easier, this publication
will certainly help you on your way!

Whether developing SQL databases as a hobby or professionally,
you need an efficient and powerful development and administration
tool. IBExpert enables you in just a short space of time to
become acquainted with, and achieve a command of the open source
database, Firebird, as well as its commercial relative, Borland
InterBase®. Development of database objects, database models,
stored procedure and trigger programming, performance tuning,
data analysis - all this and much more can be executed simply
and quickly using IBExpert.

This publication is written for both database developers and
database administrators; both will profit from this reference
book in their daily work with the Firebird/InterBase® server.
All relevant modules are presented in detail and the sundry
options and background information provide both beginners
and experts alike with a wealth of information that can
only otherwise be laboriously compiled from diverse
information sources.

IBExpert is the ideal complement for discerning developers
and administrators; its resources enabling the user to acquire
the technical proficiency required for professional applications.

IBExpert is available as a commercial Full Version including
all modules (also available as a 45-day Trial Version), a
free of charge, functionally limited Personal Edition or
a gratis Educational Version.

Free CD, including Firebird and IBExpert software, PDF Book,
video tutorials and additional information, enclosed with all
direct orders (while stocks last).

Purchase Information on

19. 4th Worldwide Firebird Conference

Here are the conference Sessions:

Solution Stacks Built on Firebird and PHP - Another Flame in the LAMP?
Developing Cross-Platform Applications with Firebird and wxWidgets
The Firebird System Tables
Cross-Platform Development Using Lazarus
Owner Migration, the Easy Way
Towards a Universal UDF Testing Framework
Firebird clients and system tables
Supporting Complex On Line Systems with Satellite Databases
Building Firebird on Windows and Linux
Replicating with IBReplicator 2.5
New Shutdown Modes and Backups in Firebird 2.0
Cost-based Optimization and Statistics
N-Tier applications with Firebird and RemObjects DataAbstract
Creating modern database webapplications using Firebird, php and AJAX
Data Types in Practice
Real World Applications Using Firebird
Firebird Connectivity Tools or Is there any performance loss out there?
External routines: interfaces, usage and possibilities
Application Development with Morfik WebOS and Firebird
Optimizing Server Performance
Creating Transaction Logs in Firebird
Managing Metadata Changes
Delivering and Using the Vulcan Embedded Server as Part of the SAS
New SQL Features in Coming Versions of Firebird
Stored Procedures, Triggers and Views, Why and How
Jaybird: new release, new features
Database Health and Corruption
Managing Firebird Transactions with FIBPlus
Character Sets and Unicode in Firebird
Integration of Firebird with PalmOS Handhelds and Smartphones
Making your own Firebird PowerTools with Python
Full text search in Firebird without a full text search engine
Transportable Firebird Databases
A system for implementing Transition Constraints
Fyracle, Oracle-mode Firebird
Optimization - Counting Rows
Firebird v2.x and v3.0: the Foreseeable Future

Don´t miss this Event. Just open
and choose product group conference. Do not wait, subscribe now!

The fourth Firebird Worldwide Conference will take place at the Andels
Hotel in
Prague, Czech Republic from the 12th November 2006 until 14th November
The Andels Hotel is a new 4-star hotel, which is located very close to
just across the river. Room tariff is from 99.00 (Euros) per night.

Registering for the Conference
and choose the categorie Conference

price: 500.00 Euros

Pricing includes attendance at the conference, lunch (Monday and
Tuesday) plus
morning and afternoon coffee etc. It does not include the cost of your

Pricing does not include VAT, and VAT will only be charged to conference
from the Germany or EU customers without valid VAT ID. Attendees from
outside the
EU will obviously not be charged VAT.

Full payment must be received prior to attending the conference.

Cancellation is possible until 30th Sept 2006, but if you do cancel this
incur a cancellation fee of 100.00 Euros. After the above date,
will not be possible and the full fees will have to be paid.

The conference program may be subject to change. Payments will be
refunded if the
conference is cancelled. In such event the conference organiser will
have no
further liability.

Registration will remain valid even if the conference has to be

The Firebird Conference is organized by the Firebird Foundation,
and HK-Software

Question? contact info@...

See you in Prag

20. Das Highlight der IBExpert Roadshow 2006: IBExpertWebForms

IBExpertWebForms: eine revolutionäre, in der Handhabung einfache
zur Erzeugung von PHP-basierten Datenbankanwendungen. Gestalten Sie Ihre
Webforms in dem integrierten FormDesigner und lesen/schreiben Sie
Daten in einer IB/FB Datenbank, ohne auch nur eine einzige Zeile
JavaScript, PHP oder HTML Code.

Es gibt noch freie Plätze in Berlin und Hamburg am 19. bzw.

Anmeldung und Details hier:

Wollen Sie schon mal einen Blick in unsere Roadshow Broschüre werfen?
Melden Sie sich im Download Center an, Ihr persönliches Exemplar
dort für Sie zum Download bereit:

Dort erfahren sie auch Details zu allen weiteren Themen und unsere
Sonderpreisliste, die aber nur gilt, wenn Sie persönlich anwesend

The IBExpert Team

The most Expert for InterBase and Firebird ---
HK Software - Gerhard Stalling Strasse 47a - 26135 Oldenburg - Germany
Phone/Fax +49 700 IBEXPERT (42397378)
Training and Support for Delphi, InterBase, Firebird, AS/400

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