Subject Stored Procedure Generator - Beta 3
Author Simon Carter
TECT Software Ltd are pleased to announce the immediate release of Stored
Proc Generator (SPGen) Beta 3. SPGen is a freeware utility which
automatically creates up to 6 default procedures for any Firebird or
Interbase Table.

New for Beta 3:

o Specify Generator Name for Return Result on Insert.
o Improved hashing algorithm for Exception Names.
o Specify Sort order for select procedures (with descending).
o Save/Restore all options.
o Optional Procedure Descriptions.
o Optional Exception Descriptions.
o Specify which procedures to create on a table by table basis.
o Optionally insert events for insert, update and delete procedures.
o Faster script generation.

Outstanding items:

o Persist settings between sessions.
o Optional execution of script once generated.
o Documentation.

For more information about SPGen or to download, visit


Si Carter