Subject Firebird Debug Output
Author Si Carter

I have developed a little utility which intercepts every sql statement sent
from a client app, along with callstack and timings. I have done some
testing but would like to widen this and to ascertain usefulness. Currently
two output files are created, a simple call stack with timings, which looks

24/11/2005 11:41:28 - Function isc_attach_database($0012EC90, 20,
'', $00BC7098, 31, 'sysdba
24/11/2005 11:41:28 - isc_attach_database Complete; TimeTaken: 187ms
24/11/2005 11:41:28 - Function isc_database_info($0012EC90, $00BC7098, 3, '
>|˜p¼', 100,
24/11/2005 11:41:28 - isc_database_info Complete; TimeTaken: 0ms
24/11/2005 11:41:28 - Function isc_vax_integer('', 2);
24/11/2005 11:41:28 - isc_vax_integer Complete; TimeTaken: 0ms

And a SQL output file:

select rdb$character_set_name from rdb$database


select rr.rdb$relation_name from rdb$relations rr where (rr.RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG
= 0 or rr.RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG is null) and rr.RDB$VIEW_SOURCE is null order by


select rr.rdb$relation_name from rdb$relations rr where (rr.RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG
= 0 or rr.RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG is null) and rr.RDB$VIEW_SOURCE is not null order
by 1


It’s a windows only solution, sorry, and has only been tested using FB
1.5.2. If you can help testing in anyway let me know by emailing me
(simon.carter@...). This solution require's absolutely no
recompilation of existing code and can be added/removed to any FB client in
< 1 minute.


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