Subject ANN: New IBMonitor offers new way in Performance Optimizing
Author HKlemt
What is IBMonitor?

Did you ever try to find out what your application does
at the moment, when you use for example runtime built
dynamic sql statements?
What plan is used? what is the longest running SQL

What is running on your server?

We have the solution for you! IBMonitor

It works as a proxy server between client and server
and maps all traffic from one tcp/ip port/address
combination to another.

you can log all SQL Commands with IP, Time and Plan
in Logfiles and have a protocol also for historic
statements (for example who made a select on a
specific table last week, who made an update on a
specific table last month).

there are two version with some limitations in download
and customer area:
trial: limited to localhost and protocol only for one
session customer: limited to localhost and protocol
only for unlimited session

All Versions work with all IB and FB Versions

First Steps with Screenshots

Download Free Version

Download Version for IBExpert Customer

for both versions, you have to do the following steps:

-start the HK Service Config Center hkscc.exe

-bind port should be 3050

-bind ip should be

-map ip should be

-map port should the interbase default port 3050.

You can change these values if needed, but the
following description is based on these default

-click left on SQL proxy

-open log Levels and set the level you need for all

-set log dir to a directory where the logfiles should
be saved (default c:\temp\)

-set StatsSaveInterval to for example 15 (file is
stored every 15 seconds)

-click on Save Button on top of the form

-click on Start Button on top of the form

now the proxy should work, logfiles are saved every
15 seconds and stored in the directory c:\temp\

next Step: Setup HTML Service

-click left on StatToHtml

-set log dir to the same place as above in SQL proxy

-Set tmpDir to a directory where html Files shoud be stored

-Check StatsSaveInterval, deafult for example every 30 Seconds

-Check WrapLineLength (for example to 100 characters per line)

-iff needed set up ftp upload location

-click on Save Button on top of the form

-click on Start Button on top of the form

What happens next?

start any database application with a changed server name

when you typically use
now use\path\file.fdb

after some seconds you can open index.html file in TmpDir
and See what happend.

You want to buy the software for installing on the server
with remote access?

limited to 10 active sessions logged, remote and local
access:199 Euro
limited to 100 active sessions logged, remote and local
access:499 Euro
limited to unlimited active sessions logged, remote and
local access: Price on Request

It works only on Windows, no Linux Version currently

See you in Fulda and we will show you a lot of tricks to
make your applications and databases faster.

Need more Informations? Questions? Use our new newsgroup

Best Regards

Holger Klemt

2. European Firebird Conference, May 16th - 18th, Fulda,Germany
Early Registration Fee 449 Euro only until 15th of April

The most Expert for InterBase and Firebird ---
HK Software - Huntestrasse 15 - 26135 Oldenburg - Germany
Phone/Fax +49 700 IBEXPERT (42397378)
Training and Support for Delphi, InterBase, Firebird, AS/400

1. Common info.

This is an Interbase/Firebird administrator/developper tool,
combine SQL monitor functionality with server performance motitoring.
SQL monitor ability is access library independent, so you can log SQL
traffic made by any components or tools, connecting to IB/FB by

Main module (hkProxy service) is a NT service, working as proxy server
between client and IB/FB server. It logs SQL traffic and calculate

StatToHtml service transform logs and statistics into HTML form, also
logs by execution time, enabling You to see only time consuming

StatToDB service made to write logs to selected IB/FB database,
enabling You
made any further analisys of its contents.

Features list:
- log all SQL command, with corresponding plans and execution time.

- filter SQL commands by include/exclude template.
for example, if you don't want to log system (containing "RDB$")
or want to log only SALES table related statements

- calcule traffic statistics (i/o bytes, statemets count) by
hostnames and

- transform all logs and stats into html form and upload it on
selected ftp

- filter logged statements by execution time,
if You want to see only time consuming commands (*)

- save all logs into selected database, if needed for further
analisys (**)

- show runtime SQL traffic and server performance info in tables and
(common statistics, active connections, etc.)

- separate services with flexible setup for specific functionalities

- single Control Center for all modules. Also used for runtime info

(*) using separate StatToHtml service
(**) using separate StatToDB service

2. Modules configuration

______________SQL Proxy (hkProxy)___________

Bind_IP, Bind_Port - IP address and port, to get packets from.
You have add this IP/Port to database name, which traffic You
want to
Default is

Map_IP, Map_Port - IP address and port, to redirect packets from
Default is

Log_Dir - folder to save write logfiles (must have trailing slash)
Default is C:\temp\

StatsSaveInterval - time interval (in seconds) of traffic statistics
Default is 0 (i.e. stats will saved only on service stop)

DateTimeFormat - date and time format to be used in log files
Default is YYYY/MM/DD HH:NN:SS

NoPacketTimeout - time interval (in seconds).
If no packets passed for during time - connection is market
as "timed
Default is 120

FullSaveOnServiceStop - if FALSE then only changed connections
will saved on service stop.
Default is FALSE

FILTER= - set of rules to filter traffic by statement contents.
"FILTER=-RDB$;-IBE$" - will cut all statements containing "RDB$"
"FILTER=+EMPL;+CUST" - will log only statements
containing "EMPL" or
no default value

StatusRefreshInterval - time interval (in seconds) of runtime info
Default is 5

_DELETE, _EXECUTELEVEL - log detailing level for different SQL
SQL - statement only
SQL_TIME - statement and execution time
SQL_TIME_PLAN - statement, plan and execution time
Default is
SQL_TIME for other

ProcessPriority - service's execution priority (Normal, Idle).
Default and recommended value is Normal.


Log_Dir - path to SQL proxy logfiles (must have trailing slash)
Default is C:\temp\

StatsSaveInterval - time interval (in seconds) of statistics and
Default is 30

TimeFilter - value to filter statements in logfiles by its
execution time
TimeFilter=30 msec - will put to html only statements,
which execution time>=30msec
no default value

WrapLineLength - maximal line length of SQL statements, to write in
More long lines will be wrapped.
Default is 0 (do not wrap)

HighLightSQL - if TRUE, then SQL statements in html will be
for more readability.
Default is TRUE

DateTimeFormat - date and time format to be used in statistics html
Default is YYYY/MM/DD HH:NN:SS

HtmlRefreshInterval - html pages autorefresh interval (in seconds)
Default is 5

StatusRefreshInterval - time interval (in seconds) of runtime info
Default is 5

Host, Port - host and port, to upload html files to, by FTP protocol
Default is localhost/21

User, Password - FTP server username and password
no default value

TmpDir - path (with trailing slash) to service's temp folder,
to store html files, uploaded to FTP.
Default is <application folder>+FtpTmp

ProcessPriority - service's execution priority (Normal, Idle).
Default and recommended value is Idle.


DatabaseName - database, to write logfiles into
UserName, Password - username and password for database (default
SqlRole - SQL role for database
no default value

CharactersSet - database's character set
no default value

StatsSaveInterval - time interval (in seconds) of logfiles saving to
Default is 10

Log_Dir - path to SQL proxy logfiles (must have trailing slash)
Default is C:\temp\

StatusRefreshInterval - time interval (in seconds) of runtime info
Default is 5

ProcessPriority - service's execution priority (Normal, Idle).
Default and recommended value is Idle.

Best Regards

Holger Klemt

2. European Firebird Conference, May 16th - 18th, Fulda,Germany
Early Registration Fee 449 Euro only until 15th of April

The most Expert for InterBase and Firebird ---
HK Software - Huntestrasse 15 - 26135 Oldenburg - Germany
Phone/Fax +49 700 IBEXPERT (42397378)
Training and Support for Delphi, InterBase, Firebird, AS/400