Subject ANN: IBExpert New Version 2004.2.26 ready for Download
Author HKlemt
IBExpert New Version 2004.2.26 ready for Download

IBExpert Newsletter 26.2.2004

Today we uploaded a new Version 2004.2.26
of IBExpert on

If you are registered customer and cannot
access the customer area, please check the
update end date from your registration form.
If you update right is already expired,
you can extend it for the next two years
with buying the same license(s) again in
our shop. See details on our Web Site

1. Data Grid:

* Now it is possible to customize highlighting of
NOT NULL columns captions. Use Options | Environment Options |
Grid to customize color and font style of not null columns.

2. Script Executive:

* Added Save As button. Changed the behaviour of Save button.

3. Code Editors:

* The Drag-n-dropping from DB Explorer and SQL Assistant was
greatly improved. Now, when you dragging object node(s)
from DB Explorer or SQL Assistant IBExpert will offer you
various versions of text to be inserted into Code Editor.

* Not it is possible to customize highlighting of variables.
Use Options | Editor Options | Colors to choose color and
font style for variables.

4. Tools:

* Table Data Comparer implemented. It allows you to compare data
of two tables in different databases and get a difference script
which will include corresponding INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE
statements. Tables may have different names but must have
same structure.

5. Project View:

* Added possibility to sort items in alphabetical order.
Use context menu to do this.

6. Extract Metadata:

* Added option "Decode domains". If enabled domain types
will be inserted as comments just after domain names.
For example:


7. New Help System

* Pressing F1 in any Form of IBExpert now opens a new Webbased
Helppage. It is also possible to download all Help Pages from
and unzip this in the IBExpert main Directory with
(there must be a new subdirectory called documentation). If
is a Help Document locally, it will be opened in the browser.
Otherwise the browser will open the Page from our Webserver.
For any comments please use our newsgroups.

8. A lot of small bugfixes and improvements...


First European Firebird Conference

We are proud to invite you to the Second European Firebird
Conference with Sessions in English and German Language
16th - 18th of May 2004 in Fulda, Germany.

Erste Europäische Firebird Konferenz

Wir freuen uns, Sie zur zweiten Europäischen Firebird
Konferenz mit Vorträgen in englischer und deutscher Sprache
vom 16. - 18. Mai 2004 in Fulda, Deutschland einladen zu


Paul Beach (UK)
Helen Borrie (AUS) FirebirdSQL-Foundation
Pavel Cisar (CZ)
Ann Harrison (USA)
Frank Ingermann (D)
Jim Starkey (USA)
Thomas Steinmaurer (A)

and much more (details in the next days on our Website)

Conference Tracks/Konferenz Themen:

You can expect around 40 Sessions from world class speakers,
about 10 Sessions will be held in german Language and 30
Sessions will be held in English language.

Sie können 40 Vorträge erwarten, von denen 10 in deutscher
Sprache und 30 in englischer Sprache gehalten werden.


Early Registration until Apr 15th/Frühbucher bis zum 15. Apr: 449 Euro
After Apr 15th/nach dem 15. Apr: 599 Euro

Registration and further Informations/Anmeldung und weitere
About Firebird

Firebird is a free relational Open Source database
offering many ANSI SQL-92 features that runs on Linux,
Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms. Firebird
offers excellent concurrency, high performance, and
powerful language support for stored procedures and
triggers. It has been used in production systems,
under a variety of names since 1981.

Über Firebird

Firebird ist eine freie relationale Open Source Datenbank,
die viele ANSI SQL-92 Standards unterstützt und unter Linux,
Windows und verschiedenen Unix Plattformen verfügbar ist.
Firebird bietet Netzwerkfähigkeit, hohe Geschwindigkeit und
eine umfangreiche Stored Procedure und Trigger Sprache.
Es wird in Produktionsumgebungen unter verschiednenen Namen
seit 1981 eingesetzt.
Organiser and Press Contact/Veranstalter und Pressekontakt:

HK-Software Holger Klemt, Huntestr 15, 26135 Oldenburg, Germany
Phone +49 700 42397378, Fax +49 700 42397378, info@...


IBExpert - The most Expert for InterBase and Firebird ---
HK Software - Holger Klemt - Huntestrasse 15 - D-26135 Oldenburg
+49 700 IBEXPERT (42397378)