Subject ANN: IBExpert new Version ready
Author HKlemt
IBExpert new Preview Version

IBExpert Newsletter 14.4.02

Today we uploaded a new preview Version
of IBExpert on
(Beta Test for IBExpert Version 2)

For registered Customers, you also find a fully
registered version in the customer area
(password protected), where you have to
enter your keys.

If you are registered customer and cannot
access the customer area, please check the
update end date from your registration form.
If you update right is already expired,
you can extend it for the next two years
with buying the same license(s) again in
our shop. See details on our Web Site


New! free IBExpert Personal Edition

-Some functions of the Commercial Edition are removed, such
as Stored Procedure/Trigger Debugger, Database Designer,
Grant Manager, and others.
-No Time or Database Size Limitation
-Almost all functions from IBConsole are active
-We support IB and FB and we will support all
Version also in the future

Download from


New! Free Version for Educational Purposes!

Since we had a lot of questions from students,
who want to use IBExpert as a part of
a course at a university or school, we decided
to create a special Version for this.

The only limitation is, that a database cannot
be larger than 50 MB, when you work with this
version. There is no other Limitation, such
as a time limitation, so you can
use it for understanding SQL Language (DDL, DML),
Transactions, Stored Procedures, Triggers,
Entity Relationsship Modeling, Reporting, Optimizing
and much more.

In Addition to the free Database InterBase or Firebird,
you get a unique way to learn professional Database
Programming without any costs.

How to get the free IBExpert Educational Version?

We need an Email or Fax order, where you describe
the place, where it should be used (University,
School, ...). We also need a short description, in
which course you plan to use it. You get access to our
Educational Area as soon as we get your order.

The email with the Download Info will only be sent to
an email in the uiversity/School Domain.

We will not send a License, when we do not get these
informations, so please, write us a little

Free IBExpert Educational Orders can be placed by Fax
to +49 700 42397378 (IBEXPERT) or by email to

Free Developement IDE for this Database? Have a look
at IBExpert Forms (Our Scripting Tool). This Easy to
learn Delphi Clone supports different Languages
(such as Object Pascal, VBScript, JScript and other)
and you have a direct support for Database Access

Things we changed in IBExpert:

Mostly bugfixes in this version. But few new features and options.

1. Procedure/trigger editors: When connection is lost IBExpert
will save texts of modified procedures/triggers into default quick
directory (Database registration info | Default paths | Default Quick
Save Path).
If this directory isn't defined IBExpert will save procedurs/triggers
<IBExpert>\QuickSave directory

2. Environment options | Grid: Added option "Enable tooltips".
Turn it off to disable grid tooltips.

3. Extract Metadata: Now stores options layout between sessions.

4. Main Form: now stores its size and position in SDI version.

comments: please use our newsgroups on

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The IBExpert Team

HK Software - Holger Klemt - Huntestrasse 15
D-26135 Oldenburg - Germany
Phone/Fax +49 700 IBEXPERT (42397378)