Subject ANN: Firebird Workbench 1.4.0 released!
Author Martijn Tonies
Hi ladies, gentlemen,

Upscene Productions is happy to announce a new version of
Firebird Workbench - the developer tool for Firebird.

Firebird Workbench gives you an easy-to-use application to create,
edit and extract your database objects, export tables, run scripts,
extract metadata, run ad-hoc SQL statements and much much more...

Firebird Workbench works well on low-bandwith connections because
of extensive caching in the object editors and by using IBObjects -
the best Firebird connectivity suite for Delphi and CPP Builder.

Download a trial copy at - go there now!

New features:

View Editor
- Completely re-written View Editor
- Ability to move columns
- Ability to enter column description

Enterprise Manager
- Backup/Restore Managers (projects) now server-oriented instead of
application wide

- Firebird: Column descriptions extracted in script
- All editors have an improved "DDL" tab
- InterBase 7: Support for the native BOOLEAN datatype
- InterBase 7: GUI support for the native BOOLEAN datatype (data-grids)
- InterBase 7: long metadata identifiers support
- InterBase 7: new keywords added to highlighting options for IB 7
- Firebird 1.5: new keywords added to highlighting options for Fb 1.5

Bug fixes and small enhancements:
Bugfix: Fixed script execution time errors
Bugfix: Fixed resultset/table/view export to file sometimes misbehaving and
not exporting anything
Bugfix: Fixed resultset/table/view export to file sometimes loosing decimals
Bugfix: Fixed Visual Query Builder errors with multiple joins
Bugfix: Fixed a bug with the query-parameter history in the SQL Editor
Bugfix: Fixed an error with default "NOW" in domains
Bugfix: Fixed an error with using the build in "PUBLIC" role in the Grant
Bugfix: Fixed an error with Referential Constraints not being updated in the
application, but only in the database
Enhancement: Optional include system tables in Code Completion
Enhancement: Miscellaneous export improvements (like custom delimiters for
CSV files etc)
Enhancement: Major speed improvements in the DataPump (up to 10 times faster
transferring to InterBase/Firebird)
Enhancement: Major speed improvements in the TestDataGenerator
Enhancement: More windows listed in the "Open Windows" list
Enhancement: Miscellaneous small interface improvements and fixes

With regards,

Martijn Tonies

Firebird Workbench - the developer tool for Firebird

Upscene Productions