Subject Re: [firebird-support] Upgrade to FB 3 or Wait for FB 4
Author Pavel Cisar

migration from 3.0 to 4.0 should be straightforward, while migration
from 2.5 to either 3.0. or 4.0 requires some effort and hence will take
some of your time. As 2.5 line will be discontinued with 4.0 release,
it's better to start migrating now to 3.0 and upgrade to 4.0 later (if
you would ever need features from 4.0, because bug fixes in 4.0.x will
also appear in 3.0.x maintenance releases).

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Dne 19. 09. 19 v 22:16 Hugo Eyng hugoeyng@... [firebird-support]
> Dear Friends.
> Now a days we are running FB 2.5.8, but we know that we will upgrade FB.
> So I would like listening your opinion about what is the better choice: Upgrading to FB 3 and after to FB 4 or wait and upgrading directly finto FB 4?
> Off course this is a question that can be answered more than one way, but I would like to know what should I consider to decide.
> Atenciosamente,
> + + Hugo Eyng + +