Subject insert data two databases different
Author Joel Moo
Hi guys, i have a situation, I work with a database name database1.fdb,
and so, i do maintanance over this databases weekly.

I backup this database before maintenance, but the maintenance failed,
so the .fdb file in which the maintenance failed will rename it to
database_2, and then restore the database1.fdb file.
2 days later for some reason the information was inserted in database
database_2 and not in database1.fdb. It is worth mentioning that these
files and the database.config were not modified again

Any advice or experience with a similar situation?

Thank you.

Cualquier duda o comentario adicional, quedo a sus órdenes.

Excelente día.

Joel de Jesús Moo Arguelles

Administrador de Base de Datos


Tel. (991) 9 13 00 57 ext. 159 Fax: (991) 9 13 02 52


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