Subject Character set ISO8859_1 is not installed
Author Bart Friederichs

I am connecting to a Firebird database through a WSGI setup on Apache, which is in the ISO8859_1 charset. This worked fine before, but after some updates, it broke.

I connect like this:

fdb.connect(dsn=local_copy, user='****', password='****', charset='iso8859_1')

which gives me this error:

Error while connecting to database:\n- SQLCODE: -924\n- bad parameters on attach or create database\n- CHARACTER SET ISO8859_1 is not defined', -924, 335544325

When I leave out the charset parameter (or set it to UTF8), I get this error:

Error while preparing SQL statement:\n- SQLCODE: -204\n- CHARACTER SET ISO8859_1 is not installed', -204, 335544854

When connecting to the same database using isql-fb or directly from a Python script, it works fine. I checked the config in /etc/firebird/fbintl.conf, and ISO8859_1 is defined in there.

Bart Friederichs