Subject Re: [firebird-support] Losing Firebird connection into a VPS
Author Mark Rotteveel
On 2018-07-19 01:31, Chuck Belanger phytotech@...
[firebird-support] wrote:
> Hello:
> My background with Firebird has been mostly to use it for a local
> desktop application. A few years ago we started to experiment with a
> remote connection on a website and I have had no issues with that other
> than the speed.
> Recently, we plan to use FB 3 and a database as a remote application
> authorization process. We shifted to a VPS hosting and what I have been
> seeing is that while using IBExpert to connect, after maybe a couple of
> minutes it is disconnected from the database. I have not tried to
> connect through the application yet, but use IBExpert to do maintenance
> on the remote database.
> I have reviewed the Firebird conf file and cannot find any settings
> which would cause this, nor can I find any settings (the connection
> timeout is set for 0, which I assume means indefinite connection) in
> IBExpert, nor are there any settings in the server windows firewall. We
> also asked the hosting company about this and they did not seem to
> know.
> Does anyone have any ideas on what I need to do to keep connected to
> the
> remote (VPS) Firebird server?

Please provide more information:

- Which Firebird version (full version)?
- What OS (and its version)?
- What kind of firewall and virusscan software is used

Are you sure the hosting party doesn't terminate long running TCP/IP
connections? I once had a problem with using web sockets, and it turned
out that incoming TCP/IP connections that were open for a few minutes
got killed automatically, as the expectation was for REST-like services
with short request/response cycles.