Subject | Re: [firebird-support] Re: Error creating Foreign key |
Author | Mourad Hedfi |
Post date | 2018-07-17T14:04:01Z |
I come back because I've upgrade Firebird to 2.5.8 but the problem of creating foreign keys always persists.
In fact, the problem occurs after executing commands for insert, update and delete data and after that I exectue command to create FK.
I've found that when I've two or more FK for a table only the first is created. I've changed the program to create a query object for every FK create command but the problem persists.
I've added a transaction and I've command FK executed successfully but when I commit transaction, I've the following error "
Unable to complete network request to host "localhost". - Error writing data to the connection. Could not start transaction"
I don't found in the firebird.conf any parameter to change to fix this problem.
Can anyone tell me what to modify to fix this problem.
Many thanks for your help
Bien cordialement.
Mourad Hedfi
Directeur de projetsMourad Hedfi
2018-06-12 16:44 GMT+02:00 blackfalconsoftware@... [firebird-support] <>:
If you are not getting this issue with FlameRobin than this may be an issue with the Firebird compiler that creates the binary form of the database object scripts.Hopefully one of the database developers such as Helen or Mark can shed some light on this...