Subject gback NULLed columns
Author André Knappstein
If it is what I think it is then it is probably widely known, just not
to me :-)

I would like to get certain, though, because I do have some respect
for things happening and looking strange (might always be an early
sign of some corrution) so here goes:

Do new columns - without having inserted anything to them and without
any default value nor being part of any constraint - not make it into
the next backup?

I have the - for me - strange situation that I added 2 columns to a
production database, left them completely NULLed, created backup,
restored to local backup-database;
the local backup then contained all the latest records of the tables
in question, but not the new columns.

I tried several times, no changes, then I added a single value in each
of the columns and they got restored to the local test database.

Thanks in advance for confirmations/warnings!

mit freundlichen Grüßen,

ppa. André Knappstein
EDV und Controlling
beta Eigenheim- und Grundstücksverwertungsgesellschaft mbH
Hafenweg 4
59192 Bergkamen-Rünthe

Telefon: +49 2389 9240 140
Telefax: +49 2389 9240 150
e-mail: Andre.Knappstein@...

Amtsgericht Hamm Nr. B 420
Geschäftsführer: Achim Krähling, Dirk Salewski und Matthias Steinhaus

USt-IDNr.: DE 125215402