Subject issues with ODBC Driver

Hi all,


I am using PowerBi for visualizeing our firebird based database.

Since the latest windowsupdate I get constantly errors.

The microsoft support told me the error doesn't caused by PowerBi.


Microsoft has discribed the error below:


found this in the log:


Microsoft.Mashu 779c-77d8        ENTER SQLGetInfoW

                                HDBC                0x000001BB53CAA0C0

                                UWORD                      173 <unknown>

                                PTR                 [Unknown attribute 173]

                                SWORD                        4

                                SWORD *             0x000000BA1DDFCD2C


Microsoft.Mashu 779c-77d8        EXIT  SQLGetInfoW  with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR)

                                HDBC                0x000001BB53CAA0C0

                                UWORD                      173 <unknown>

                                PTR                 [Unknown attribute 173]

                                SWORD                        4

                                SWORD *             0x000000BA1DDFCD2C


                                DIAG [HY096] [ODBC Firebird Driver]Information type out of range (0)


The value 173 is for the constant SQL_CONVERT_GUID


The value SQL_CONVERT_GUID is expected with ODBC 3.x, but the driver does not know it.

The Firebird driver have the version 02.00.0156 that is the latest one:


The Customer  need to contact the developer of the driver to implement the value.


I hope you can help me.


