Subject Re: [firebird-support] substring similar - "Invalid SIMILAR TO pattern"
Author Mark Rotteveel
On 3-12-2018 08:46, liviuslivius liviuslivius@...
[firebird-support] wrote:
> Firebird 3
> can someone tell me how to work with substring similar?
> SELECT substring('abc' similar 'a' escape '#')  FROM RDB$DATABASE
> raise an error "Invalid SIMILAR TO pattern"
> SELECT substring('ab11c' similar '[0-9]+' escape '#')  FROM RDB$DATABASE
> raise an error "Invalid SIMILAR TO pattern"
> what i am doing wrong?
> how this pattern should looks like?

The release notes documentation is incomplete (and the described syntax
is wrong: SIMILAR (as working and specified in SQL standard) vs SIMILAR
TO (as documented)).

The problem is that you need to have a capturing group so Firebird knows
which substring to return, this is missing from your example. See

Looking at the SQL standard the error reported by Firebird is wrong (it
should report "data exception — invalid use of escape character." in
this case, absence of a capturing group (or not exactly two instance of
escape and ", in this case #")).

Eg to catch the initial a, you need to use

SELECT substring('abc' similar '#"a#"%' escape '#') FROM RDB$DATABASE

Where # is the escape, and the pair of #" defines the capturing group,
and % means zero or more character. Which means return an 'a' followed
by 0 or more characters.

For the second example, you'd need to use (for example):

SELECT substring('ab11c' similar '[[:ALPHA:]]+#"[0-9]+#"[[:ALPHA:]]+'

which means return 1 or more digits preceded by 1 or more 'alpha' (Latin
letters a..z and A..Z) and followed by 1 or more 'alpha'.

Mark Rotteveel