Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird vs. PostgreSQL
Author Michal Kurczabinski
Firebird also doesn't support data partitioning, extended window functions

Michal Kurczabinski

2018-11-06 14:44 GMT+01:00, Fabiano Bonin
fabiano.bonin@... [firebird-support]
> Firebird doesn't support schemas.
> This is the main reason I am replacing it by PostgreSQL in all my projects.
> In versions prior to 3.0, there is a limit on SQL instruction size, what
> makes it hard to use with frameworks like Hibernate, which tends to
> generate huge SQL instructions.
> But this is solved in version 3.0, so you should disconsider this one if
> you are using this version.
> There is a 31 characters table name limit, the can bring some restrictions
> if you are planning to create a multi-database application and you use big
> table names.
> But, if your project will be bound to a single database, you can live with
> these issues.
> The advantages I see on Firebird over PostgreSQL is single file database,
> great charset and collation support, easiest to mantain, doesn't bring a
> bunch of features you will never use, small installation size.
> Regards,
> Em ter, 6 de nov de 2018 às 11:10, Kjell Rilbe
> kjell.rilbe@... [firebird-support] <
>> escreveu:
>> Hi,
>> We've been using Firebird "forever". For upcoming projects and also
>> possible replacement in existing ones, we're considering PostgreSQL.
>> What would you say is the pros and cons of Firebird vs. PostgreSQL?
>> I'm aware that the answers may very well be different depending on
>> application and usage patterns, but I would like to start with
>> considerations i general terms, e.g. framework support (e.g. Entity
>> Framework), admin tools availability and usability (Windows and possibly
>> Mac), query performance in general, resource load, SQL standard
>> compliance,
>> stability, development progress (new features, fixing bugs, ...) etc.
>> Mvh,
>> Kjell
>> [cid:part1.5A72A320.2CD4BAEA@...]
>> Kjell Rilbe
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>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

pozdrawiam / regards,
Michał Kurczabiński