Subject Firebird 3 crashes, unable to capture crash dumps ( terminated abnormally (4294967295) )
Author Rudi Feijó


It’s been a while since I gave na update on my situation here.


To recap, firebird 3 is crashing randomly on my server. It may crash once, twice, or 10 times a day. Or not once during the day.

Server load is always minimal during the crashes, and so is the memory usage.
With the help of the community, my latest attempts where to change the firebird.conf, and I tried a lot of different combinations, even returning to the default combination, but the problem still happens.


Then, I tried to capture the crash dumps.

I followed the instructions at Collecting User-Mode Dumps:

However, I’ve had a lot of crashes since I changed the registry, but no crash dumps are collected at all.

I’ve made sure the dump directory is writable and readable by everyone (system, admin, user, etc).

I also turned off the guardian as required, and created a simple batch file to restart firebird every 5 seconds if needed to act as a guardian.



Before turning off the guardian, firebird.log always wrote a terminated abnormally (4294967295) error, not without the guardian it doesn’t write anything at all, it just crashes silently.


So this is the status now.
I’m thinking on trying to install de debug version and attach Watson to it, if anyone have any other ideas I’d be glad to hear.



Specs :

Firebird- on windows 2012 R2 VM (2 core 2.30gh xeon, 13gb ram)

Config :

ServerMode = Super

GuardianOption = 0

WireCrypt = Enabled

TempDirectories = C:\firebird-temp

AuthServer = Legacy_Auth, Srp, Win_Sspi

AuthClient = Legacy_Auth, Srp, Win_Sspi

UserManager = Legacy_UserManager, Srp


DefaultDbCachePages = 20000

TempBlockSize = 2M

TempCacheLimit = 364M

LockMemSize = 9M

LockHashSlots = 30011

Registry changes made to capture dumps :

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps]




