Subject Re: How to get different Maximum Data for every single date in the table?
Author Vishal Tiwari

Please help.

Thanks In Advance.

With Best Regards.


On Monday, 17 July 2017 4:04 PM, Vishal Tiwari <vishualsoft@...> wrote:

Hi All,

As per the attache files or below specified table DDL, DML and SQL, I need to get below details:

Get Order_ID, Order_Date, Salesman_ID for different Salesmen :
1. Who sold maximum Copy for a day
2. Who sold maximum amount of book for a day
3. Who got maximum order for a day

As per below SQL, I am able to fetch the result only in one record that is correct. But I need to get the data for every single date i.e. for all distinct date only, i.e. Date should not repeat in the row, which satisfy above three condition. The result could be for different Salesmen or same Salesman depending on the data in the table.

So, I need to get data for every distinct date in the table. Please help how to get it.

One option I see to put "Order_ID" column in Max() function to avoid Group By issue.

Kindly suggest, If possible please correct the above SQL and share.

Thanks In Advance.

With Best Regards.




  ORDER_ID Varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  BOOK_NAME Varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  BOOK_PRICE Numeric(15,2) DEFAULT 0,
  TOTAL_AMOUNT Numeric(15,2) DEFAULT 0,


INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD001', '01.01.2010', 'S001', 'The Immortals of Meluha', '250.00', '50', '12500.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD001', '01.01.2010', 'S001', 'The Secret of The Nagas', '300.00', '50', '15000.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD001', '01.01.2010', 'S001', 'Oath of The Vayuputras', '350.00', '50', '17500.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD002', '01.01.2010', 'S002', 'The Magic of Thinking Big', '400.00', '400', '160000.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD003', '01.01.2010', 'S003', 'The Immortals of Meluha', '250.00', '10', '2500.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD004', '01.01.2010', 'S003', 'The Secret of The Nagas', '300.00', '10', '3000.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD005', '01.01.2010', 'S003', 'Oath of The Vayuputras', '350.00', '10', '3500.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD006', '01.01.2010', 'S003', 'The Magic of Thinking Big', '400.00', '10', '4000.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD007', '02.01.2010', 'S001', 'The Immortals of Meluha', '250.00', '155', '38750.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD007', '02.01.2010', 'S001', 'The Secret of The Nagas', '300.00', '150', '45000.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD007', '02.01.2010', 'S001', 'Oath of The Vayuputras', '350.00', '150', '52150.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD008', '02.01.2010', 'S002', 'The Magic of Thinking Big', '400.00', '100', '40000.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD009', '02.01.2010', 'S003', 'The Immortals of Meluha', '250.00', '100', '25000.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD0010', '02.01.2010', 'S003', 'The Secret of The Nagas', '300.00', '10', '3000.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD0011', '02.01.2010', 'S003', 'Oath of The Vayuputras', '350.00', '10', '3500.00');
INSERT INTO ORDERED_BOOK_DETAILS (ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, SALESMAN_ID, BOOK_NAME, BOOK_PRICE, COPY_SOLD, TOTAL_AMOUNT) VALUES ('ORD0012', '02.01.2010', 'S003', 'The Magic of Thinking Big', '400.00', '10', '4000.00');


Get Order_ID, Order_Date, Salesman_ID for different Salesmen :
1. Who sold maximim Copy for a day
2. Who sold maximum amount of book for a day
3. Who got maximum order for a day

With Max_Copy (Order_ID, Order_Date, Salesman_ID, Max_Copy_Sold, ToTal_Amount) As
(Select Order_ID, Order_Date, Salesman_ID, Sum(Copy_Sold) As Max_Copy_Sold , Sum(ToTal_Amount) 
 From Ordered_Book_Details
 Group By Order_ID, Order_Date, Salesman_ID Order By Max_Copy_Sold Desc

Max_ToTal (Order_ID, Order_Date, Salesman_ID, Copy_Sold, Max_ToTal_Amount) As
(Select Order_ID, Order_Date, Salesman_ID, Sum(Copy_Sold), Sum(ToTal_Amount) As Max_ToTal_Amount 
 From Ordered_Book_Details
 Group By Order_ID, Order_Date, Salesman_ID Order By Max_ToTal_Amount Desc

Max_Orders (Order_ID, Order_Date, Salesman_ID, Max_Orders_Count) As
(Select List(Order_ID), Order_Date, Salesman_ID,  Count(Salesman_ID) As Max_Orders_Count 
 From Ordered_Book_Details
 Group By Salesman_ID, Order_Date Order By Max_Orders_Count Desc

Select First 1 Max_Copy.Order_ID, Max_Copy.Order_Date, Max_Copy.Salesman_ID, Max_Copy.Max_Copy_Sold, Max_Copy.ToTal_Amount,
       Max_ToTal.Order_ID, Max_ToTal.Order_Date, Max_ToTal.Salesman_ID, Max_ToTal.Copy_Sold, Max_ToTal.Max_ToTal_Amount,
       Max_Orders.Order_ID, Max_Orders.Order_Date, Max_Orders.Salesman_ID, Max_Orders.Max_Orders_Count
    Max_Copy, Max_ToTal, Max_Orders