Subject Firebird Migration from version 1.5 to version 2.1 help please !!!!

Hello everyone,

I have some Trouble with the Migration of Firebird vers. 1.5 to Firebird vers. 2.1

First of all I made a Backup of my Database File *.gdb with the function gbak using isql

Then I disinstalled the Old Version >> Firebird 1.5 because the Files won't be Updated and not Overwritten

Is it enough to disinstall the 1.5 Version from the Control Panel in Windows ?

Then I export The Metadata from *.gdb file as a SQL File using a Tool like IBExpert

How should I apply this Metadata to Firebird 2.1

Just by running it on FlameRobin as a query or in isql ? 

Doesn't make any Sense to me

When I run the script I get following error:

Error: *** IBPP::SQLException ***

Context: Statement::Prepare( /******************************************************************************/

/*           Generated by IBExpert 2017.1.22.1 24/01/2017 16:44:44            */



Message: isc_dsql_prepare failed

SQL Message : -104

Invalid token

Engine Code    : 335544569

Engine Message :

Dynamic SQL Error

SQL error code = -104

Token unknown - line 5, column 5


Something wrong with the DIALECT 3 should it be DIALECT 1 or DIALECT 2 instead ?

Reading the Documentation i should create an Output File errors.txt to see the execution exceptions/errors
With which Procedure/Function will I bring the errors in that File

Next I should apply the Database Patch and I immagine it's compatible with the Version 2.1 right ?

Can I find the Patch here ??

32-bit Debug Kits (Binary + PDB components)
December 5, 2014Firebird- pdb.exe11 MBFull Classic or Superserver, installer kit

But I'm exporting/importing is just the Structure of the Database right ?

How do I proceed to Export the Data should I use DataPump ? How do I do it ?

How do I improve the Execution Performance of the Firebird Database...

By Putting hands and tricking the export sql File ??

So who can help me ?

I really need help on this I'm use to Oracle PL/SQL and can't figure out how it works...

Any Firebird Expert out there ?

