Subject Unexpected privileges on a table via a view
Author Brian Dunstan



I’m running Firebird 3.0, dialect 3.


As SYSDBA I’ve created a table and a view, thus:


create table tab_a (x integer, y integer, z integer);


create or alter  view test_view (x, y, z)

as select a.x, a.y, a.z from tab_a a;


grant select on test_view to public;


Connect as an ordinary unprivileged user without a role:


Select * from tab_a

Fails as expected “no permission for SELECT access to TABLE TAB_A”




Select * from test_view returns the data from TAB_A.


No privileges have been granted on the table for the view and the user has no privileges on the table, so why can the view access the table?


Previous experience (with Firebird 2.5 and dialect 1) has been that a view must be granted select privileges on a table before it is available, but Firebird 3.0 dialect 3 seems to be behaving differently. I’d really appreciate it if someone can point out what has changed or what I am misunderstanding.


Thanks in advance,

