Subject string right truncation error with LIKE predicate and UTF8 DB
Author Рустам Муса-Ахунов

Hi, people!

I know, that same bugs was discussed early in bug tracker, although bug not fixed, I think they not the same.

I got an error executing SELECT query with LIKE predicate in case of UTF8 database, 
non-UTF8 connection charset and national characters in LIKE argument without mask symbols '%' and '_'

Error is

"arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
-string right truncation"

Reproduce step by step:

1) Create database with default character set = 'UTF8'
2) Connect to DB with ANSI character set, e.g. 'WIN1251'

isql -ch WIN1251

3) Execute SELECT query on any table with VARCHAR fields of any length
with LIKE predicate on VARCHAR field, that meet following criterias:
- argument not contain mask symbols '%' and '_'
- argument length greater then 1 symbol
- argument contain national symbols

4) Got an error, e.g. in ISQL:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22001
arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
-string right truncation


Start Command Prompt, CD to Firebird's 'bin' folder and execute:

chcp 1251

Change console window font to Lucida Console (to allow cp1251 characters in console)

Start ISQL:
isql -ch WIN1251

Execute following queries in ISQL (change paths and credentials appropriately):

create database 'c:\databases\bug.fdb' user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey'
default character set UTF8 collation UNICODE_CI_AI;

(to connect to existing DB use command
connect c:\databases\bug.fdb user SYSDBA password masterkey;


create table TABLE1 (
FIELD1 varchar(50)

insert into TABLE1 (FIELD1) values ('abcdef');
insert into TABLE1 (FIELD1) values ('123456');
insert into TABLE1 (FIELD1) values ('абвгде');
-- WIN1251 characters string

This queries work fine:

select * from TABLE1 where FIELD1 like 'abc%';
select * from TABLE1 where FIELD1 like 'abc';
select * from TABLE1 where FIELD1 like 'абв%';

This query fails:

select * from TABLE1 where FIELD1 like 'абв';

In last 2 queries in LIKE argument used string with national characters (in this case - WIN1251)


Tested on FB 2.5.2 Win32, and FB 2.5.7 Win64 (Superservers)

Tested in ISQL and some other SQL tools with same conditions - bug reproduced.

Connection character sets other then WIN1251 - not tested

Server  platforms other then Windows - not tested

Database default collations other then  UNICODE_CI_AI - not tested