Subject Re: Re: [firebird-support] FB 2.5 migrate to 3.0
Author James
Dear Helen,

Today I did a clean installation for FB 3.0 (from zip package) and get DB migrated to version 3.0.
It makes me so happy.

The real reason for previous problem is caused by security database file initialization step.

Initialize security database by isql (FB 3.0).
> isql -user sysdba MYIMPORT
SQL> create user SYSDBA password 'masterkey';
SQL> commit;
SQL> quit;

After this, everything works fine.

Thanks for your great help anyway.

Best regards,

Date: 2017-01-10 17:02
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] FB 2.5 migrate to 3.0

> Thanks for your answer. I think I got help from you also during last time migration test. :-)
> I tested it with your advice but it still doesn't work.

I am not convinced you have that authentication configured properly
nor that your application is really loading the Fb3 client library.

Some reality checks:

1. Make sure that you deleted the # symbol when you configured

2. It might be worthwhile to change the ordering of the list in
AuthClient, so that Legacy_Auth appears first.

2. Get rid of SRP from the UserManager list. Make it so that
Legacy_UserManager is only entry.

3. Don't forget to save firebird.conf, and to restart Firebird.

4. Put fbclient.dll in the same folder as your application. It would
probably be a good idea to reboot the client machine, while you are at
it, in case the old version is still loaded.

> I would like to test it with a fresh installation of FB 3.0 later.

> I should make my description more clear for my steps.

> 0. First of all, all applications are running in Windows 7. FB x32 versions are used for testing.
> 1. Use gbak (FB 2.5) to backup Firebird 2.5 database file.
> 2. Use gbak (FB 3.0) to restore backuped FBK file to a new database file.
> 3. Use isql, to run: SQL> alter user sysdba set password 'masterkey';
> respond: Database: myimport,&n bsp;User: SYSDBA

Without the modifications to firebird.conf, that step operates on the
SYSDBA that is configured under UserManager SRP. It will NOT work
with applications connecting via Legacy_UserManager.

You have to create SYSDBA for use with Legacy_UserManager. You need
to use the USING PLUGIN clause, as indicated in my previous posting.

> 4. Open new database file in IBExpert with FB 3.0 client library (fbclient.dll), it works.
> 5. Run my own applicatoin with FB 3.0 client library which works
> with FB2.5 client library, error message shows below:
> [FireDAC][Phys][FB]Your user name and password are not defined. Ask
> your database administrator to set up a Firebird login.

> ********************************
> Connection string inside my code
> ********************************
> object dbcMain: TFDConnection
> Params.Strings = (
>   ; 'DriverID=FB'
> 'User_Name=sysdba'
> 'Password=masterkey')
> ********************************

But it will not work if either (or both)
1) the application is loading the Fb 2.5 client
2) firebird.conf configuration is a mismatch with the client

BTW, you are not REALLY using masterkey for your SYSDBA password, are