Subject Re: Re: [firebird-support] FB 2.5 migrate to 3.0
Author James
Dear Helen,

Thanks for your advice.
I will try it all with your detail steps.

Best regards,

Date: 2017-01-10 17:02
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] FB 2.5 migrate to 3.0

> Thanks for your answer. I think I got help from you also during last time migration test. :-)
> I tested it with your advice but it still doesn't work.

I am not convinced you have that authentication configured properly
nor that your application is really loading the Fb3 client library.

Some reality checks:

1. Make sure that you deleted the # symbol when you configured

2. It might be worthwhile to change the ordering of the list in
AuthClient, so that Legacy_Auth appears first.

2. Get rid of SRP from the UserManager list. Make it so that
Legacy_UserManager is only entry.

3. Don't forget to save firebird.conf, and to restart Firebird.

4. Put fbclient.dll in the same folder as your application. It would
probably be a good idea to reboot the client machine, while you are at
it, in case the old version is still loaded.

> I would like to test it with a fresh installation of FB 3.0 later.

> I should make my description more clear for my steps.

> 0. First of all, all applications are running in Windows 7. FB x32 versions are used for testing.
> 1. Use gbak (FB 2.5) to backup Firebird 2.5 database file.
> 2. Use gbak (FB 3.0) to restore backuped FBK file to a new database file.
> 3. Use isql, to run: SQL> alter user sysdba set password 'masterkey';
> respond: Database: myimport,&n bsp;User: SYSDBA

Without the modifications to firebird.conf, that step operates on the
SYSDBA that is configured under UserManager SRP. It will NOT work
with applications connecting via Legacy_UserManager.

You have to create SYSDBA for use with Legacy_UserManager. You need
to use the USING PLUGIN clause, as indicated in my previous posting.

> 4. Open new database file in IBExpert with FB 3.0 client library (fbclient.dll), it works.
> 5. Run my own applicatoin with FB 3.0 client library which works
> with FB2.5 client library, error message shows below:
> [FireDAC][Phys][FB]Your user name and password are not defined. Ask
> your database administrator to set up a Firebird login.

> ********************************
> Connection string inside my code
> ********************************
> object dbcMain: TFDConnection
> Params.Strings = (
>   ; 'DriverID=FB'
> 'User_Name=sysdba'
> 'Password=masterkey')
> ********************************

But it will not work if either (or both)
1) the application is loading the Fb 2.5 client
2) firebird.conf configuration is a mismatch with the client

BTW, you are not REALLY using masterkey for your SYSDBA password, are