Subject slow connection time to the db
Author Marianne Castel - Titelive



We’ve got different firebird servers for our customers but connection time is different depending on which server we are connecting to.  Server’s software configuration should be the same (Firebird 2.5.5 64bits  Classic server on Centos 7.3), hardware configuration are slightly different.

I don’t think it’s a network problem because as I connect locally via isql the slow server is also slow…


I’ll take 2 servers as example :

If I connect localy with isql-fb to our customers database (on a specific harddrive) or on the employee.fdb (1168 Kb) (on the system harddrive) ,


-On the first server :

Quad core  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5520  @ 2.27GHz   Memory : 16 GB

It takes at least 600 MS to connect to the db, I find this bad…


- On the second server :

Quad core  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5620  @ 2.40GHz   Memory : 16 GB

It takes 40 MS to connect to the db, I find this very good.


I also noticed that the processors are working harder on the first server for the fb_inet_server processes.  

But if I do the test early in the morning (when there is not a lot of customers connected to their databases, thus not a lot of load), it does’nt change anything on the first server it takes at least 600ms to connect to a database and the second one only 40 ms.


Has somebody an idea, where is the sytem loosing time ?


Thanks for reading my subject !



Marianne Castel

Development team