Subject Connection pool, trigger and binnacle
Author Carlos Mazariegos

I'm using Firebird 2.5 and i have a system running in this server.
I have a binnacle (bitacora) that is updated with triggers "After Update or Delete"
and everything works fine, since I use the "current_user".

But I'm developing a new web application with java EE, JSF and Glassfish, with 
Glassfish i am using a connection pool, this use a user WEBGRAL for n users who connect.

Then I have the problem that all transactions are recorded update and delete
in the database with the user WEBGRAL and not the user who entered the time of loggearse 
in the web application.

There a way to pass the user triggers firebird to recognize them or some other idea to solve 
the problem.



Carlos Mazariegos
Dirección de Desarrollo

Universidad Mariano Gálvez
3a. Av. 9-00 Zona 2 · Int. Finca El Zapote
Tel: 24111800 Ext. 1166 y 1290 · Fax: Ext. 1166
carlos.mazariegos@... ·