Subject Trouble with ADO.Net Provider and connection pool
Author Jardar Maatje
We are using NHibernate and firebird with C# code.

We have a server application that run 24/7. Our problem is that sometimes we get an exception from when starting new transaction:
FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbException (0x80004005): Error reading data from the connection.

We always dispose the nhibernate session. The problem is that it is not able to recover from this failure unless we set pooling to false(Pooling=false;). This is of course not desirable.

I see that there is a bug filed for the Provider:

Is this the cause, and if so when will this be fixed?

Also is there any good ways to work around this problem?

Jardar Maatje
Nortek Data Services AS
Brugata 1
0168 Oslo
tlf: +47 95184034