Subject Firebird 3 performance
Author Gert Scholten | Syntri ERP B.V.

I've got a question about the Firebird 3 performance. I've created a test
application which does the following:

FB 2.5.5 (Superclassic)

FB 3.0 (Superserver)

1.000.000 inserts

27 sec

47 sec

# of connections in 30 sec

~1800 connections

~1300 connections

Concurent reads 50 threads 100/queries / thread - average query time

1,35 ms

2,45 ms

Firbebird is installed local as 64-bit service. The database is on an SSD.

I was under the impression that the results should be the other way around.
Ergo, Firebird 3.0 should be a lot faster.

Am I doing something wrong?

Met vriendelijke groet,

E.G. (Gert) Scholten
Technisch Manager


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7908 HB Hoogeveen

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