Subject Simple create or alter procedure on Firebrid 3.0 creates "unsuccessful execution caused by system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements"

I am trying to execute statement on Firebird 3.0 (64bit, Windows 10) from IBExpert (2016.5.2.1):
create or alter procedure tests123
  (p1 date,
   p2 date)
returns (
  p_test0 integer,
  p_test1 date)
as begin

But there is immediate error:

unsuccessful execution caused by system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements. Error reading data from connection. Connection will be closed immediately.

If I remove p_test1 date argument, then command can be executed. I have sense, that Firebird does not like too much date arguments. The command can sometimes be executed from Flamerobin succesfully, but if command has failed in IBExpert, then command will also file in Flamerobin until Firebird service will be restarted. firebird.log has no entries about this failure.

It is very strange behavior. Maybe it is Firebird bug? Or maybe IBExpert is doing something additionally that creates Firebird bug?
