Subject Re: [firebird-support] Simply bad, new is not always better. FB3 and ODBC
Author Mark Rotteveel
On 10-5-2016 16:03, 'Checkmail' check_mail@... [firebird-support]
> We had FB 2.5 CS before our migration to fb 3 SS. After this, the
> Frontend (MS-ACCESS) calls a stored procedure and sometimes the
> odbc-driver does not wait until the procedure finished and writes the
> new records. In this case the user must close the access-formular to get
> the new data, if he pushed the button again, there are two new records
> present. Some other complications I have posted, two in the tracker. Not
> fine, we have now some problems we never had and the customer does not
> pad for the solutions.

What transaction configuration are you using? If you are using
autocommit (and if that uses the Firebird autocommit; I don't know the
ODBC driver), a theory could be that the commit points have gotten more

And otherwise it would be really helpful to get a specific and
repeatable reproduction script (or program).

> Now I have de-installed the firebird odbc 2.0.4 Driver and install the
>, the problem with the refresh after calling
> adodb-stored-procedure we get a little less, but if I connect to the
> odbc-tables again (tables are linked) I get:
> Odbc firebird driver firebird attempt to reclose a closed cursor #-501

It is not a new error message, so again, without a a specific and
repeatable reproduction script (or program) it is hard to trackdown if
it is indeed a deviation from previous versions (and if that deviation
is intended or not).

Mark Rotteveel