Subject Another Error When Backup

Dear All, 

Did anyone ever face this error when gbak ? 

gbak: ERROR:internal Firebird consistency check (decompression overran buffer (179), file: sqz.cpp line: 239)

gbak: ERROR:gds_$receive failed

gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors

Here is firebird.log written : 

SKS16018        Mon Apr 25 14:24:20 2016

        Database: /daten/sispayroll.fdb

        internal Firebird consistency check (decompression overran buffer (179), file: sqz.cpp line: 239)

SKS16018        Mon Apr 25 14:26:24 2016

        Database: /daten/sispayroll.fdb

        internal Firebird consistency check (decompression overran buffer (179), file: sqz.cpp line: 239)

My Solution : 

I read the log on which table the gbak is stop. And then I drop that table and restore it from data 1 day ago. And when I try backup again, there is no problem. I restore it and validate it, no errors found. 

Any other solution so I wont missing 1 day data ? 

