Subject [EDatabaseError] How to simultaneously connect to a firebird database in elevated and non-elevated mode.
Author Arno Peter

Hello All,


I am using Firebird embedded 3.0.1.

I receive an EDatabase error : "[ODBC Firebird Driver]Database is probably already opened by another engine instance on another Windows session."

when trying to connect to a firebird db simultaneously in Adminstrator (elevated) mode and non-elevated mode with the same user account.


Does anyone know how to solve this issue?


Thanks for your help.


Best regards

A. Peter

JAM Software GmbH
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Phone: +49 (0)651-145 653 -0 * Fax: +49 (0)651-145 653 -29
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JAM Software GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Joachim Marder
Am Wissenschaftspark 26 * 54296 Trier * Germany
Tel: 0651-145 653 -0 * Fax: 0651-145 653 -29
Handelsregister Nr. HRB 4920 (AG Wittlich)