Subject Fwd: Need help in Firebird
Author Richard Bakos

Dear All,

I have a question. I need to store some data in Firebird database. One of the data is a running serial number, 0 to 999999. I try the Count SQL function, but sometimes after INSERT function I get same number 2-3 times. After I try to make a tabel which contain an INTEGER field, and I update it, after I run a QUERRY, but the situation is same. 
Could you give me a good sollution how can the DB make a running serial number (not recurring)?

After each UPDATE I run a COMMIT. 

The operating system is: Windows 7.

​Please give me an answer ASAP.

Thank you very much!

Best Regards:
Richard Bakos​


Üdvözlettel: / Best regards, / Mit freundlichen Grüssen:

Richárd Bakos

IMC Soft Kft.


Üdvözlettel: / Best regards, / Mit freundlichen Grüssen:

Richárd Bakos

IMC Soft Kft.

Tel: +36-30-381-9004