Subject Multiple WHERE clauses
Hi all

I have a SELECT statement which needs to have a WHERE clause adapt if a variable has a value or not:

    WHERE CASE WHEN 72 <> 0 THEN tDevelopment.iID = 72
        ELSE (CAST(tDevelopment.tDT AS DATE) BETWEEN (SELECT US1.dValue
    FROM dSetValue('Current Year', 'From') US1)
        AND (SELECT US2.dValue
    FROM dSetValue('Current Year', 'To') US2)) END

The value 72 is variable.  What I need to do is when this value is a non zero I want to get only one record which matches the variable value and iID

ELSE I want it to adapt to get a range of records as per stored dates

Can we have such a WHERE clause?  (The one above does not work for me)  What if there are more such varied conditions to apply?

Please advise

Thanks and regards
