Subject RE: [firebird-support] Bug with JOIN?
Author Svein Erling Tysvær
>my friend and collegue Frank (fsg) and I kept in mind, that at the prior to the last FB-conference, we listend to an optimization talk
>of one of the core devs (it must have been Dmitry ;-) ) and remembered that:
>- engine does not reorder joins for optimization purpose if left join and straight join get mixed
>- engine evaluates join before left join.
>This was, what made me assume, the expression would be evaluated like the braced version. I did not check SQL standard definition yet,
>but it seemed somewhat natural to me...

I don't think your query can be considered an 'optimization issue'. I can see how something like

select i.I, j.I, k.I
from CTE_CNT i
left join CTE_CNT j on i.I = j.I and j.I<10
join CTE_CNT k on i.I = k.I

can be optimized to (although Firebird doesn't do this, which I assume was Dmitrys point)

select i.I, j.I, k.I
from CTE_CNT i
join CTE_CNT k on i.I = k.I
left join CTE_CNT j on i.I = j.I and j.I<10

Optimizing your query to

select i.I, j.I, k.I
from CTE_CNT i
join CTE_CNT k on j.I = k.I
left join CTE_CNT j on i.I = j.I and j.I<10

would simply lead to an error (j is not defined at time of join). Firebird accepts that you first try to do a left join and then straight afterwards change your mind with another inner join. Basically, I guess (don't know) it behaves similar to how it would have done if you had written:

select i.I, j.I, k.I
from CTE_CNT i
left join CTE_CNT j on i.I = j.I
left join CTE_CNT k on j.I = k.I
where j.I<10

I cannot say whether your or Firebirds way of thinking is most appropriate according to how SQL ought to be implemented (and I don't know the SQL standard), I'm too Firebirdy to give any unbiased opinion.
