Subject Re: [firebird-support] Bug with JOIN?
Author Thomas Beckmann
Thank you for your answer, Mark,

my friend and collegue Frank (fsg) and I kept in mind, that at the prior
to the last FB-conference, we listend to an optimization talk of one of
the core devs (it must have been Dimitry ;-) ) and remembered that:

- engine does not reorder joins for optimization purpose if left join
and straight join get mixed
- engine evaluates join before left join.

This was, what made me assue, the expression would be evaluated like the
braced version. I did not check SQL standard definition yet, but it
seemed somewhat natural to me...


Am 20.03.2014 21:04, schrieb Mark Rotteveel:
> On 20-3-2014 10:52, Thomas Beckmann wrote:
>> Please consider the following example:
>> with recursive
>> CTE_CNT as (select 1 as I from RDB$DATABASE
>> union all select I + 1 from CTE_CNT where I < 20)
>> select i.I, j.I, k.I from CTE_CNT i
>> left join CTE_CNT j on i.I = j.I and j.I<10
>> join CTE_CNT k on j.I = k.I
>> I would expect this to behave as
>> select i.I, j.I, k.I from CTE_CNT i
>> left join (CTE_CNT j
>> join CTE_CNT k on j.I = k.I) on i.I = j.I and j.I<10
>> But it does not: It behaves like
>> select i.I, j.I, k.I from CTE_CNT i
>> join CTE_CNT j on i.I = j.I and j.I<10
>> join CTE_CNT k on j.I = k.I
>> Can someone explain this to me? Is this as intended or is this a bug?
> Why are you expecting that? Your second join condition explicitly
> disallows that.
> Say we do:
> with recursive CTE_CNT as (
> select 1 as I from RDB$DATABASE
> union all select I + 1 from CTE_CNT where I < 20
> )
> select i.I, j.I /*, k.I*/ from CTE_CNT i
> left join CTE_CNT j on i.I = j.I and j.I<10
> -- join CTE_CNT k on j.I = k.I
> This results in:
> i.I 1-10 having j.I 1-10
> and i.I 11-20 having j.I NULL
> When you next include the second join you are executing the condition
> j.I = k.I, as a result it will only return rows for i.I 1-10, because
> for values of j.I NULL the join condition is false.
> Maybe you meant to use a left join in your second join as well?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thomas Beckmann

Wielandstraße 14c • 23558 Lübeck
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