Subject [Ticket #233] [firebird-support] Re: Problems selecting on Timestamp.
Author Desarrollo
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On Mar 07, 2014 @ 03:29 pm, kjell.rilbe@... wrote:
Den 2011-11-09 09:49 skrev canacourse såhär:
> I assume you meant cast ('6.11.2011 08:35:26' as timestamp);? I have
> tried that but still no records are returned in Ibexpert or ISQL.
Make sure your string literal is interpreted the way you think. If only
people would come to their senses and adopt the ISO 8601 standard. *sigh*

For example, does '6.11.2011 08:35:26' result in Nov 6 or June 11?


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==Ticket History==

On Mar 07, 2014 @ 03:29 pm, canacourse@... wrote:
Thanks Helen,

I assume you meant cast ('6.11.2011 08:35:26' as timestamp);? I have tried that but still no records are returned in Ibexpert or ISQL.


--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 07:45 AM 9/11/2011, canacourse wrote:
> >How may I select items older than a certain epoch from a timestamp column? For example I have many records in a column using timestamp as the type and containing records such as:-
> >
> >'5.11.2011 23:34:21'
> >'5.11.2011 08:34:00'
> >'6.11.2011 19:55:45'
> >'7.11.2011 15:23:26'
> >
> >However these queries produce no results even thought I can see records older then I'm looking for in the table
> >
> >select * FROM ENTRIES WHERE ENTRYTIME < '6/11/2011 08:34:26';
> >
> >or
> >
> >select * FROM ENTRIES WHERE ENTRYTIME < '6.11.2011 08:34:26';
> >
> >Firebird 2.6.5 Dialect 3
> You need a cast expression or a hint to ensure that the conversion from the literal occurs:
> select * FROM ENTRIES WHERE ENTRYTIME < (cast '6/11/2011 08:34:26 as timestamp)';
> or
> select * FROM ENTRIES WHERE ENTRYTIME < timestamp '6/11/2011 08:34:26';
> ./hb

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